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Two years later

Queen Inko paces, as she waits at the front entrance of castle Viridis, her guards standing close by watching her. The green eyed woman has been troubled as of late concerning her youngest son. She continued to pace for another ten minutes, until a white carriage with golden filigree patterns was seen entering the palace grounds. Queen Inko stands her back straight head high, she fluffs her hair and smoothes her dress as the carriage approaches. Once the carriage pulls to a stop, she hurries down the few stairs to stand just a few feet from the door. A man steps down from the back of the transportation, putting a wooden step in front of the opening and pulling the door open. A tall man dressed in a pure white robe with golden accents at all the hems steps down from the carriage. "High priest Yoichi, thank you so much for coming so quickly." the queen intones, stepping closer to the man. "It was no trouble, your majesty. Your messenger seemed to convey it was important. Something concerning your son." the man replied. "Yes, my youngest, Izuku. Please let's head inside and I will explain." Inko said, moving beside the taller man. "Ah, yes the little princess. He is a delightful child." Yoichi returned. They walked side by side up the stairs and into the castle, the guards following a few feet behind. The priest made a gesture with his hand toward the carriage. A small boy in a brown robe exited the carriage and began following at a distance, a small chest in his arms.

After entering the castle the priest pushed back the hood of his robe revealing bright green eyes and unkempt shoulder length white hair. "So what exactly are your concerns, your highness?" the priest asked. "It is well known that children usually manifest their magic between the ages of eight and nine. With some exceptions." Inko began. "Yes, that's right. I believe your oldest son was one of those exceptions." Yoichi said as the small procession continued down the castle hall heading in the direction of the King's office. "That's right, Yo received his gift two weeks before his eighth birthday. It was a surprise but amazing at the same time." the queen explained. "So what I am assuming is concerning you is the fact that the princess has yet to receive his gift. He is ten years old now I believe?" the white haired man stated. The queen nodded. "Ten and a half to be exact." the green haired woman replies. The small group had reached the door to the king's office. Inko's guards take up places across from the door, while one of the king's guards that stand on either side of the door reach to open it for their queen.

The king who is seated behind the desk and Sir Iida who stand to his left side, both look up from the document they were discussing as the door is opened. The queen enters first followed by the high priest and then the small boy. The king stands to his feet. "Hello my love. High priest Yoichi, thank you for taking time out to come." The king says as he moves out from behind his desk. "Iida, we are done for now. I'll send for you when I need you again." King Hisashi tells his steward. "Yes, your majesty." the blue haired man says gathering some papers before bowing to the queen and leaving the room. The king embraces his wife placing a soft kiss to the top of her head then reaching out a hand to the priest. "It was no trouble at all, my king." Yoichi states, shaking the king's hand and bowing. "I will assume my wife has explained why we asked you to visit us?" the king questioned. "Yes my king. The queen has informed me of her worries. If you could summon the child here I believe I can set her heart at ease." the white haired man told them. "Oh thank the gods." Queen Inko muttered. She then moved to open the door to the office. The queen motioned to her guards. "One of you please fetch princess Izuku and bring him here, the other go to the kitchen and have a servant bring food and drink please." the green eyed omega instructed. "As you wish, my queen." The two guards said in unison bowing to their ruler, before rushing off to complete their tasks.

High priest Yoichi steps over to the boy with the chest who had been standing quietly in the corner of the room. He opens the chest and begins pulling items out of the chest and placing them down on the floor in the middle of the king's office. "What exactly are you going to do?" the king asks as he and his wife watch the white haired man. "I intend to do a ritual, asking the great goddess Mirko to allow me the ability to detect the princess's magic." Yoichi explains. In the center of the floor of the king's office sits a gray, white, and black marble bowel. Atop the bowel is a small but sharp silver dagger, and four purple pillar candles are on each side of the bowel. The priest then takes some herbs from different pouches and places them into a small mortar, grinding them with a pestle. Once the herbs are ground and mixed to his liking Yoichi puts the pestle away and the mortar of herbs is set next to one of the candles. A vial of clear liquid is placed to the other side of the same candle and a single match is placed right next to it. "Now we just need the princess. Oh and also you will need to move over by the wall and remain quiet please." the white hair priest instructs the king and queen. "Alright, we can do that. Anything for my baby." Queen inko replies. She then pulls her husband over to the far wall and they wait. High priest Yoichi sits criss-cross on the floor in front of the candle with the item and they wait for Izuku's arrival.

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