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It didn't take long for Izuku and Nyxis to get to their destination. It was a lot easier to see the destruction, though it was much less now. All of the debris from the broken branches and trees was gathered into a large pile, and the half dozen trees that had been uprooted and knocked over were back standing. It looked like that had been put back in place. 'Had the dragon and his companion done this?' Izuku asked in his mind. "They cleaned up and tried to fix what they could." Nyxis chirps in confusion. He hadn't expected that. "It seems they did." Izuku replied, looking around.

The two made their way past the debris pile and over to the last place they had seen Dynamite and his human Katsuki. Izuku smiled at what he saw once close. They both seemed to be sleeping, mostly likely having worked all night or morning to clear up. The dragon was on his stomach, his head resting on his front legs, a light billowing of smoke leaving his nostrils every so often, his long spiked black tail wrapped around his human, and his wing extended like a canopy over him. The blond alpha was laying along one of Dynamite's back legs curled into the dragon's side. His face looked so peaceful. Nyxis dropped the basket he was carrying, huffed at Izuku and circled the ground before laying down himself: knowing full well they would be there for a while. Izuku placed his basket down as well. The green eyed princess then began to examine what he could see of the dragon. Dynamite was mostly covered in matte black scales, the spikes that ran from the tip of his tail all the way up his back were orange, matching the horns on his head. His wings, though large, looked so fragile, the outer bones were black, with a single orange talon at the tip, while the center membrane was a dark hunter green. Izuku could see Dynamites under belly but he assumed it would be black like the rest of him. He would later find out that he was wrong, it was black but with random patches of orange.

Izuku stayed where he was, he didn't want to disturb their slumber, but he also really wanted to get to know more about not only them but their kingdom as well. He knew that the wolf pups would only keep the guard busy for a short time, then he would have to go so that no one found the two. Izuku let out a soft sigh, he had resigned himself to wait. He was just about to sink to the ground next to Nyxis when Dynamite spoke. "Hello again little omega." Dynamite said. The princess let out a squeak, having been startled, by the sound of the growl. "Oh you're awake! I'm sorry did I disturb you?" Izuku asked. "No, I have been awake since the moment you came into the area. You didn't notice because you were too content by looking me over but I peeked at you." the dragon replied with a throaty chuckle. "OH! Oh my I'm so sorry, if I made you uncomfortable." the greenette apologized. "You did not. I am used to people inspecting me when they see me for the first time." Dynamite replied. Nyxis rolled his cat eyes and huffed, he hated it when Izuku made friends with new animals. Even a winged cat can get jealous apparently. "Nyxis stop it. You know you will always be my favorite. I love you more than anything." Izuku reassured his companion. This made the winged cat purr, and drift off to sleep. "Sorry about him, he gets a little jealous when I make friends with new creatures." Izuku explained to the dragon. "I understand." Dynamite replied.

Izuku had so many questions for the dragon he didn't know where to start. "I have a lot of questions, of course you don't have to answer if you don't wish too." Izuku told the dragon. "Thank you, that is very considerate. Ask away little omega." Dynamite replied. For the next hour while Katsuki continued to sleep curled up at the dragon's side, Princess Izuku asked questions and Dynamite answered.

Izuku learned that Dynamite was one hundred and twelve years old, but that was nothing for a dragon. Barring a fatal injury (Witch was damn near impossible) dragons lived anywhere between six and eight hundred years. This made Izuku sad, knowing that Dynamite would outlive Katsuki. Guessing Izuku's thoughts when his scent soured, Dynamit explained about dragon bonds. He and Katsuki were bonded on a soul deep level, and as such Dynamite's life would be shortened to between four and six hundred years and Katsukis would lengthen to three or four hundred years. But again that was baring no fatal injury. Dynamite went on to explain that his mate Jadeite had no companion as she was waiting to soul bond with Katsukis mate. Izuku swooned at that, he thought it was so romantic. Now Dynamite would not have normally told anyone this but as the objective was to make this omega fall for his companion, he thought it would be alright to share the information. Izuku and Dynamit continued to talk, or rather Izuku continued to ask questions and Dynamite answered them. That was until Katsuki began to stir and eventually wake.

{WC - 898}

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