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It had been ten days since the report that the Viridisian princess had started his first heat. That was surely long enough of a time for it to have passed with a few extra days to recuperate. Crown prince Katsuki could wait no longer, and so he called his Dragon companion. The spiky blond alpha waited in the courtyard for his dragon to land, with the help of some servants they loaded the dragon up with enough provisions to last a week, along with items Katsuki could sell or trade if need be. Dynamite was the giant orange and black dragon's name and he was fully informed of the destination and reason for the journey. It would take the dragon and his prince half a day to fly from the castle to the edge of the Draconia kingdom, and another half a day to reach the isle of life. The plan was to fly low, late in the evening and land in the forest closest to the castle. Katsukis hope was that the dark of the evening would hide them from anyone seeing them. After that The blond prince was then going to watch from the shadows to find any type of hole in the guards patrolling the grounds to sneak in and finally meet his princess, face to face. Unfortunately, but also fortunately those plans went to hell.


Izuku's heat had lasted nine days, it was a bit longer than normal but as it was his first that sometimes happens. The princess had spent the past three days catching up on all the lessons and other duties he had missed while sequestered away in his chambers. It was now late evening, and he was very tired from the day. Princess Izuku sat at his dressing table in a pale pink sleeping shift, while Ochaco brushed softly through his green curls. Normally the two would chat, either about their day, or whatever random thing popped into their heads. Izuku liked to tease his friend about her crush on their other friend, but not then. He was so tired that he yawned and his eyes drooped. "Alright that's enough. Let's get you into bed." Ochaco said, placing the brush down on the table in front of her green haired friend. Izuku stood sluggish and the two omegas moved over to the large bed in the center of Izuku's chambers. The brown eyed girl pulled back the duvet and sheet so the younger boy could climb in unhindered. Izuku's eyes closed, he was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows. "Good night princess." the brunette whispered as she tucked the covers around him. Ochaco quietly cleaned up a few things around the room before leaving for her own chambers for the night.


Izuku awake hours later with a start, sitting bolt upright in his bed. It was now fully dark, the only light shined from the moon in through his balcony doors. His head was pounding, and there was sharp pain in his left leg and arm. The green haired boy knew instantly what he was feeling was not his own pain, it was a manifestation of someone or something else's. A voice he had never heard or felt before was calling out to him in pain. It was just like that day his magic had manifested but so much more powerful. Whatever type of mythical creature this was, it was large and very powerful in its own right. Izuku had interacted with many, many animals and mythical creatures since the day his gift arrived, yet he had never encountered something this large or powerful. It both scared and intrigued the small teenage boy.

Over the years the more Izuku used his magic the stronger it had become, and the more he could do. Not only could the boy feel the pain and emotions of the animals and mythical creatures, but he could also help them by sending them his emotions. Similar to the way an alpha or omega could soothe and calm others with their pheromones and scent, Izuku could do something similar by sending soothing and calming thoughts to the animals, and mythical creatures. And so he closed his eyes and concentrated on sending calm reassuring thoughts and emotions out to this new being he was sensing. It seemed to be working as the pounding of his head began to subside.

Izuku quickly moved his blankets and got out of bed. His bare feet made little to no sound as he padded over to his wardrobe to pull out fresh clothes. The princess quickly dressed not bothering with his undergarments, wrapping himself in a long black traveling cloak as well. He had neve been woken by a creature or animal in the middle of the night before and wasn't sure what he should do. On one hand most of the castle was asleep, but on the other he needed to get to this creature and help it. The green eyed boy peaked his head out of his bed chamber door to find the hall empty. Izuku knew that the guards patrolled the castle at night, but He didn't see any at that moment. He knew he would get a scolding for what he was about to do but just like the day he rushed into the forest to save Nyxis, he didn't care. There was a mythical creature hurt and scared and Izuku just couldn't leave it be.

Princess Izuku moved to where his winged feline companion still slept at the foot of the bed. He knelt down and began rubbing along the cat's head. "Nyxis wake up buddy. I need your help." the greenette purred to his furry friend. The giant animal blinked his large Golden yellow eyes open then nuzzled into the palm of Izuku's hand. "It's the middle of the nigh, what could you possibly need help with human?" Nyxis mewled out in his disgruntled cat voice. "I was woken from my sleep by someone in pain. I need to get into the forest and help them. Please Nyx, can you fly me over to the forest?" the green haired boy asked. "Now? Shouldn't you wake you father or fetch a guard or something?" the cat protested. "Probably, but there isn't time. He's hurting. It reminds me of the day I found you." Izuku explained. The winged cat was going to continue to protest and force the boy to fetch some one but when Izuku had said it was like the day he was rescued Nyxis's mood changed. "Alright let go." Nyxis growled. That cat was now worried that another animal had lost its family to hunters, even though no one had dared to harm a creature in years. The winged cat stood stretching his legs. The two made it out onto Izuku's balcony, and the boy climbed onto the cat's back. "Hold on tight my Princess." Nyxis said before stretching his wings, jumping over the ledge of the balcony and taking flight across the castle grounds and into the forest of life.

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