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Seven months later

Time passed, Princes Izuku celebrated his eleventh birthday and though the King and Queen had been thoroughly reassured by the high priest, Queen Inko; like any mother, continued to worry about her son.


The door to Princess Izuku's bed chamber swung open quietly, a brown haired omegan servant girl entering. The green haired boy, still sleeping in the center of his large bed. The servant girl walks across the room to begin her day by waking the princess. She pulled back the dark jungle green curtains to the large balcony doors letting in the first morning light, before opening the doors themselves to let in the fresh morning air. The brown haired girl does this again with the second set of doors before making her way to the side of the princesses bed. The girl bent, placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder, nudging him lightly. "Izuku it is time for you to wake." Ochaco says in a soft tone. The greenette in the bed stretches his arms, and blinks his eyes. "Good morning Ochaco." Izuku says as he sits up in his bed. "Good morning princess, how was you sleep?" the brunette asked. Izuku groaned. "Agh! How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Izu when it's just us Raka? Oh and I slept well, thank you." Izuku said with annoyance present in his voice. The brown-eyed servant girl giggled. "Sorry Izu." she replied. The two omegas had grown close over the past years of Ochaco being Izuku's primary handmaiden, and now considered each other friends.

Once done with their morning pleasantries Ochaco got back to work. She prepared a nice hot bath for Izuku, setting out all his favorite unscented soaps and lotions. While the princess was in the bath she cleaned his chambers and changed the linens on his bed. Once finished with his bath Izuku comes out of the bathing chamber, his hair and body wrapped up in large fluffy towels. His handmaiden helped him to thoroughly dry his long curly green locks, before gathering his undergarments and dress for the day. The two omegas chatted about the previous day as Izuku dressed behind a curtain Ochaco handing him his clothing items. She then helped the boy brush his long curls, and adorn his jewelry for the day. The brown eyed girl had just finished pining Izuku's tiara in place when there was a knock at the door. "Enter." the boy called out. The door to his chambers opened and in walked his best friend and advisor Tenya Iida. "Good morning Tenya." Izuku called from his spot in front of the mirror at his vanity. "Good morning Sir Iida." Ochaco said with a slight bow and a blush. The blue haired boy bowed. "Good morning to you as well Princes Izuku, Miss Uraraka." The blue haired male replied. "Augh, Tenya, you are my best friend. Why can't you just call me Izuku?" the greenette sighed in exasperation. This caused Ochaco to laugh. "Best friend or not you are still my princess and it would be improper for me to address you as anything else." The bespectacled boy stated matter of factly. Izuku just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "So what's on my schedule today, Tenya?" the green eyed boy asked his friend. The older male held a paper with writing out and began to read it off. "First you have breakfast with your family. After that are lessons with your scholar until lunch. After lunch you have training for two hours, and then you are free to do as you like for the rest of the afternoon. Your riding instructor's daughter's birthday is today and he had requested the day off. " Tenya told him. Izuku was happy that he had the afternoon free. "Thank you Tenya, I'll see you after breakfast then." the greenette told his steward. The blue haired boy bowed then left. Once he was gone Izuku gave Ochaco a look and the two burst into laughter. "He is such a stickler for the rules." the brunette said once she stopped laughing. "I know, I wish he would lighten up some times." Izuku replied.

"Well we better go. You're going to be late to breakfast and I have other chores to do." the servant girl said. "Ochaco, make sure to pack us a picnic basket and tell the head maid I will need you to attend me this afternoon. You can spend the day with me in the garden mom and dad had built for my birthday." Izuku instructed. "Oh that sounds like fun. I really love your garden." the brown eyed girl replied. The two omegas then left Izuku's bed chamber. Ochaco headed to the kitchen to inform them of the princess request for a picnic spread for that afternoon. Izuku followed by his two personal guards headed in the direction of the royal dining room. Servants and guards wished him a good morning as he passed. Everyone in the castle loved the small omegan boy.

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