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Izuku and the mythical animals sat waiting for any sign that the blond teenager was coming around. The abrasions and bruising on his skin had all disappeared, and he now looked as if he was just sleeping. Time passed, no one knew exactly how long but it wasn't that long. Zephyr was the first to notice the blonds fingers twitch, then his eyelids began to flutter slightly. A groan escaped his lips and the distinct scent of little burnt caramel began filling Izuku's nose. The scent was delicious to Izuku, it was one of his favorite foods. The green haired boy loved to dip all different types of fruit into the surgery goodness. Izuku could also now tell with certainty that this male was an alpha. More time passed when the blond suddenly sat bolt upright, his hand going to the back of his head where the lump had been, though his eye hadn't opened yet. "What the hell you stupid lizard. What the fuck happened to cause you to crash." the blond alpha said in a harsh tone. Izuku and the others were wondering the same thing. "I am curious to know as well. Why did you crash?" Izuku asked. This caused the blonds' eyes to fly open, realizing they were not alone.

Ruby's eyes quickly scan his surroundings. He saw that he was sitting up next to his dragon's side, in the distance a short way was a large wolf, and a winged cat. There was a silver/white unicorn and finally, the reason he was on this island. His ruby orbs locked on to the most beautiful pair of emerald eyes he had ever seen. Izuku pulled his hand that had still been resting on the alphas chest away, his blush so deep even his ears had gone pink, though he didn't look away. "Explain, and quickly." Katsuki said telepathically to his dragon. Dynamite hated when his human used their telepathic link; it always made him feel like his head was full of bees, but he understood why the blond had done it. Dynamite had explained everything that had happened from the time Katsuki was unconscious. "I don't know or understand why we crashed. The last thing I remember is looking down at the island as we were flying over, there was this purple and pink swirling thing and the next thing I know were are barreling through the trees." Dynamite explained.

Izuku sighed, and finally looked away from the alpha in front of him. His eyes turned to his other animal companions. "Titas!" Izuku uttered. The name causes Zephyr to whinny, and Nyxis and Magnus to growl. "Titas?" both the dragon and alpha asked at the same time. "Titas is the son of Titan, the leader of the centaur herd that resides in this forest. He just turned thirteen a few months ago and is now old enough to use magic. Unfortunately, he is headstrong and impatient, so he sneaks off at night to practice on his own. This has caused more than one issue in the last few weeks." Izuku explained. "Kid sounds like a menace." the blond spoke. "He's not a menace, he's just a very excited young boy. Now on another note how are you feeling?" Izuku countered. "I know I took a few hits when we went down but the truth is I feel amazing." the blond answered. "That's wonderful. Dynamite now that your human has been attended to, may I finish healing you?" Izuku asked the dragon. "Yes little omega, That would be greatly appreciated." Dynamite replied. The princess moved around the blond alpha and placed his hands on the dragon's back leg that held the large gash. His magic flowed out and soon enough the wound was nothing more than a memory. "Holy shit. That was fucking amazing. Was it you who healed me?" Katsuki asked. "No, my magic only works on animals and mythical creatures. It was Zephyr who healed you." the green eyed boy told him with a motion to the unicorn, who was now back over near the other animals. "Oh well thanks anyway. Names Katsuki, if you were wondering." the blond said. "I'm Izuku, nice to officially meet you Katsuki. Those are Zephyr, Nyxis, and Magnus." the greenette told him, pointing at each animal as he said their respective names. "Eh, whatever." Katsuki replied with a shrug. Truth was all he cared about was the green haired princess.

"Now that you are both all fixed up I should be getting back. It's late and I could get in a lot of trouble for being in the forest this late at night." Izuku said. He stood from his place between Katsuki and Dynamite, and made to move away over to his other companions. "Shit don't go. I was hoping to get to know the person who healed my dragon. I was also curious about how you found us. Why were you in the forest this late at night?" Katsuki asked. Izuku had to admit he did want to learn more about Dynamite and the land of dragons. It was dark and he wanted to see the animal in the daylight. "Alright, stay here in the forest tonight. I'll come back tomorrow as soon as I can and we can get to know one another better. But I really do need to go." Izuku said. Before either Dynamite or Katsuki could reply Izuku had joined the other. He climbed back onto Magnus's back and they took off into the forest.

Katsuki and Dynamite just watched as the boy they had come there to find disappeared into the darkness of the night. "He's amazing isn't he D." Katsuki said. "That he is my prince, that he is." Dynamite replied. The two Draconians then hunkered down for the night.

Izuku rode on Magnus all the way back to the clearing. He bid goodnight to his friends before climbing on Nyxis and the two flew off, back to the balcony and the greenette's bed chambers. Exhaustion overwhelmed them as soon as they climbed into bed.

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