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Princess Izuku, his handmaiden Ochaco and the guard made their way further into the forest of life, the guard keeping a constant vigil while also leaving a trail for the other guards to follow. Izuku was no longer gripping his head, though every now and then he would whimper then clutch a part of his body. "Princess Izuku, are you well?" the guard asked. "I... It's not me. I can feel his pain, as if it is happening to me." Izuku replied. The green eyed princess pushed back the sleeve of his dress to reveal a long red line running from his wrist half way up his arm. "Oh, my!" Ochaco cried when she saw the mark. It didn't last long though within just a few seconds the red line had faded and disappeared. A few moments later the three began to hear faint sounds. It was hard to tell at first but as they drew closer they realized it was the sound of an animal yowling. Izuku had been walking at a brisk pace but now he was running. The brown haired omegan girl and large beta guard chasing after him.

Izuku stopped abruptly, causing Ochaco to run right into his back, nearly knocking him to the ground. The guard came up beside them quickly. What they saw made the prince burst into tears while the other two just stared in shock. There before them dangling from a tree trapped in a razor cage was what looked to be a winged cat, or kitten in this case. The animal was yowling and screeching as it wiggled and thrashed. Blood dripped from multiple wood down to the forest floor below it. Izuku knew, he didn't know exactly how, but he knew he could help the poor wounded creature. "We need to get him, or he's going to bleed to death." the green haired boy called. "But hoe princess? Besides, won't it attack us as soon as it's free." Ochaco asked. "I will just kill it and put it out of its misery." The guard stated, raising his sword and stepping forward. "You will do nothing of the sort. And if you try I will make sure my father punishes you severely. It is forbidden to harm mythical creatures on the isle of life." Izuku said sternly, tears no longer painting his cheeks. This shocked both the guard and handmaiden, as the princess was usually soft spoken and reserved.

Izuku ignored what the guard and his brown haired friend had said. The small omegan boy took a few steps closer to where the cage was. The cat spotted him and hissed letting out a menacing growl. Izuku held his hands up to show he meant no harm. His eye began to glow again and without even thinking the greenette began to speak to the animal. "Shh, It's alright. I know you're hurting, and scared, but I won't hurt you. I promise I want to help you." The green eyed boys said. The animal had stopped struggling and yowling, its full attention on the small princess. "GO AWAY! You just want to kill me like those other did to my mother, and sister." the winged kitten replied. "What!? Someone killed your family? I'm so sorry. That shouldn't have happened. It is agents the law to harm mythical creatures." Izuku said, evident sadness in his voice. "Yeah sure. As if I would believe a human like you." the creature stated. "I swear to you. No one will harm you." the greenette reiterated. "Right. My mother said humans are not to be trusted." the animal said with a huff.

The guard and handmaiden were staring at the Princess, confusion on their faces. It had seemed as if he was having a conversation with the animal but there were no words coming from the boy's lips. The princess was making meows, chirps, and other sounds that matched that of the winged feline.

"You mother was right, not all humans can be trusted. Some of them are not good. I swear to you that I am one of the good ones. Do you think maybe If I get you out of that nasty cage you might be willing to try to trust me?" Izuku asked. The winged cat studied the boy for a few minutes before he made a decision. "If you release me from this contraption, I will consider it." the kitten spoke. Izuku nodded his head at the animal before turning his attention back to the guard and handmaiden. "We need to get him out of that cage, and quickly. Be gentle about it too." the green eyed boy said. "Are you sure? It might attack us." Ochaco said, the fear in her voice was evident. "Don't fret Chaco, he is too wounded to attack." Izuku reassured her. The guard had moved to the base of the tree the cage was hung from when his princess had mentioned releasing the animal. "Princess, I have found the release. The cage can be lowered to the forest floor." the large man stated. "Do it, but be careful. I don't want him injured any more than he already is." Izuku told the man. "Yes Princess. I will be as gentle as possible." the guard replied. The large beta male fiddled with something neither of the two omegas could see near the base of the large oak tree, after a few moments the cage that dangled above them began to slowly descend. "That's it, nice and slow." Izuku said to the guard, his hands raised up as if he was going to catch the cage. It took a good fifteen minutes to get the cage fully lowered to the forest floor. Izuku took three steps forward then dropped down on his knees next to the cage, the cat hasn't moved since the contraption began to be lowered and the princess was now worried for the animal. The green haired boy reached out to begin freeing the winged kitten from the razor wires. "This might hurt, your tail, and wings have become tangled in the wire. I need to free them before you can be completely removed from the cage." the green-eyed boy explained to the animal.


King Hisashi, Queen Inko, and more then a dozen guards had arrived on the scene a mere five minutes ago and were dumbfounded by what they witnessed. The queen had wanted to rush forward and pull her baby boy away from the large black mass of fur and feather, but her husband had stopped her. The king held his wife close, letting out his scent to soothe the woman who was almost in hysterics. That was until Their son began to make meowing sounds like a cat with an occasional chirp like a bird mixed in. The entire group watched on in aww, as the child and animal interacted.

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