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Izuku and Tenya spent quite a while catching up. It was mostly Tenya listening while Izuku chattered on about all the things that had happened since the blue haired boy had gone off to his special school. The two would occasionally grab a drink or food from one of the passing servers. The little Princesses guards, and Tenya's mother never too close to intrude but never too far either.

A tap on the green eyed boy's shoulders brought him back from a long tangent about the pony he had been given as a gift from his parents and how he would soon be getting riding lessons. "Izu, mom and dad sent me to get you." Prince Yo said, when his brother turned to him. "Oh, alright. I have to go now, Tenya." the greenette said before hugging his friend. Izuku took his older brother's outstretched hand and the two Midoriya's made their way through the crowd of people over to where their parents stood. The Midoriya royal family now stood just in front of the stairs they had entered from. Sir Iida banged the same staff he had used earlier gathering the attention of all the visiting royals and nobles. Two servants pushing a silver rolling cart appeared from behind the stairs. On top of the cart was a large five tier chocolate cake, with mint green frosting. Happy Birthday Princess Izuku was written on separate tiers In dark emerald green. Five sparkling candles protruded from the top tier. The five year old boy's face was alight with the biggest smile as he clapped and jumped up and down between his parents. "Make a wish and blow out the candles, son." King Hisashi said as he picked his son up and held him so he could reach. Izuku closed his eyes, made his wish and blew as hard as he could. All five candles sparked and sputtered until they were extinguished. "Yay!" the green bean cheered when he opened his eyes. His father placed him back on his feet, as the servers cut the cake giving the child the first piece. The cake was quickly distributed and devoured.

Soon after King Hisashi took Izuku by the hand and led him out to the center of the dance floor directly under the giant crystal chandelier. He made a signal to the musicians and they began to play a certain melody. The king took his son up into his arms still holding one of the child's hands and began to move around the dance floor. Just off to their right Queen Inko and Crown Prince Yo also moved to the music. Eventually the song came to an end, and so the King and Queen switched partners. The King now danced with his beautiful wife, while the Prince and Princess danced. Others began joining in and dancing alongside the Midoriya royals. The second song ended and Prince Yo was replaced by Tenya Iida, who danced with his friend. The Prince moved off to dance with one of his female friends. At this time some of the guests began making their way toward the King, and Queen. They are stopped by guards and Sir Iida. "My King, some of the other royals wish to greet you and speak with you. Is that acceptable?" Sir Iida asked. "It is. Let's move off the dance floor though." the King replied. "Yes, your highness" the blue haired man returned. The royal couple moved over to a slightly more secluded area next to the stairs. Sir Iida had those who wanted an audience with his King and Queen to form a line. As his parents spoke too, and attended business with some of the other adults, Izuku continued to have a great time dancing.

The next to dance with the princess after his friend was a dark skinned alpha with jet black hair that had multicolored feathers braided into it. The boy introduced himself as Crown prince Fumikage Tokoyami of the Tenebris Kingdom. After that was another alpha with chin length silver gray hair and dark eyes, who introduced himself as Crown Prince Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu of the Ferrum Kingdom. This pattern continued with multiple others, a spiky haired ash blond with what Izuku thought were the prettiest ruby red eyes had just taken his hand when the raised voices of Izuku's parents could be heard over the music. This caused the musicians to stop playing, Izuku, Yo and many others turning their attention to where the voices were coming from.

Multiple spectators notice the frazzled state of Queen Inko, and the angry expression on King Hisashis face. Six guards stood at the ready, their hands on their swords able to defend their King and Queen in a second if the need arose. Standing with her back to the crowd of watchers and facing the royal couple was a tall woman with the same spiky blond hair of the boy who still held Izuku's hand in his own. "Come on Inko be reasonable." the blond woman said. "NO! I have already said it twice. You are my oldest friend Mitsuki, but I refuse." came Queen Inko's angry reply. "He is just five years old today. We will not be making a marriage alliance for our son today, or any day." King Hisashi said following his wife. "Not everyone is able to find their true love during the courting year Inko. Plus It would permanently solidify the alliance between Viridis, and Draconia. Besides look at them, they are so cute together." King Mitsuki stated, with a jester in Izuku and her son's direction. "Hell no! Your foul mouthed brute of a son is more likely to hurt my brother than anything else." Prince Yo said as he stepped up on his fathers right side. "HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH THINGS ABOUT MY SON!" King Mitsuki yelled, pulling her hand back as if to strike the prince. The now eight guards that stood just to the sides of the royal family pulled their weapons and jumped in between the Midoriyas and the Bakugo King. The two guards watching over Princess Izuku followed suit brandishing their swords and pulling the princess in between them and away from the Bakugo prince. "Mark my word Inko, Hisashi, you will regret this." King Mitsuki growled. "I really don't think we will." Queen Inko replied. "Let's go brat." the blond king called to her son.

"What did you do, old hag? I want him." the Bakugo prince said as he joined his mother. "You'll have him son, you'll just have to wait till he is of age to go through the courting year." the woman quietly replied to her son. One of the guards escorting the two blonds out, overheard and rushed back to inform his king. "WAIT!" the King spoke just as the Bakugo royals were about to exit the grand hall. The two foreign royals stopped and turned back. "Let it be known and spread throughout the kingdoms, from this day forward all alliances and friendships between the kingdoms of Viridis, and Draconia are ended. No Viridis royal, nobles or common citizen will ever set foot in the kingdom of Draconia. If they do, they will not be allowed to return to the isle of life. And all royals, nobles and common citizens of the kingdom of Draconia are banned for the isle of life. Punishable by imprisonment or death." King Hisashis voice boomed throughout the grand hall. King Mitsuki scoffed, while her son let out a feral growl. "Guard escort them from the castle and make sure they leave the island." Queen Inko ordered. The guards did just that. Izuku didn't like all the yelling or the defensive scents coming off the guards and had started crying. He was escorted to his parents' side by the guards, where he was scooped up into his mothers arms. "Honey, I think Izuku has had a long day." the green haired omegan woman said to her husband. "I agree." the black haired alpha replied to his wife, patting his still teary eyed sons back. "I apologize for the commotion, please forgive us. It has been a long day and so I will be ending the ball early. Again thank you all for attending the celebration. My family and I will be retiring. Goodnight, and Goodbye." The King announced. He instructed the servant and guards to make sure everyone made their way either to their designated rooms or out of the castle. The Midoriya royal family then ascended the stairs and to the third floor of the east wing and the royal chambers. Prince Yo went off to his bedchamber after hugging his parents and baby brother, while Inko and Hisashi took Izuku to his room. Inko changed the now half asleep five year old and tucked him in. They both wished him a good night and left the room, to go to their own ending the night.

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