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The visits between Katsuki and Izuku started out slow, once a month for the first few months. The blond alpha always brought the greenette something: usually a rare fruit or food of some kind that grew only in the dragon lands. Izuku in turn brought food indigenous to the isle of life.

Sometimes Katsuki and Dynamite would have to wait two or three days until Izuku would come to them. The princess had to have a reason to go into the forest and a way to ditch his guards. Izuku was eternally grateful his father never made him take the elite guards into the forest. There was no way he would have been able to ditch those two.

Izuku had even been in the throngs of his first heat once when he felt Dynamites painful call. That was the time Izuku thanked the gods for Nyxis. The green eye boy had sent his furry companion into the forest with a message tied to his paw for the blond alpha. Katsuki was a mess upon receiving the message. He was in a state of annoyance, anger, and worry. His omega was in heat, and he couldn't be there to help him through it. Though Izuku didn't know it, Katsuki had already claimed him, at least in his heart and mind. Katsuki and Dynamite had waited a whole week before Izuku was able to go to them in the forest. That was the first turning point in their relationship. Izuku was so touched by the fact that the dragon and alpha had for gone their work just to stay and make sure he had made it through his heat safely, he couldn't help but develop a crush on the older teen. Nyxis had even started to be closer to the alpha and dragon.

From then on, the Draconian princes' visits increased, to twice a month. Now instead of just sitting and talking, the two teens would stroll through the forest. Izuku would tell Katsuki about all the different mythical creatures that he had met and interacted with. The two got to know all sorts of things about each other. From little things like their favorite color, to their birthdates, and so much more. They had even begun to hold hands as they walked. Prince Katsuki was unequivocally and irrevocably in love with the small omegan princess. He thought that Izuku was the kindest, most beautiful, and perfect person to ever exist in the world. Izuku too was falling in love with the blond alpha. He could be brash, grumpy, and even rude at times, but none of that mattered to Izuku.

Before they knew it ten months had passed, and Izuku's sixteenth birthday was just a week away. Katsuki had picked out a gorgeous emerald encrusted jewelry set for the omega, but he could not give it to him, not yet at least. So the gift went into the treasure room the blond future king had built just for his green eyed beauty. The room was filled with jewels for Izuku, frum ruby encrusted tiara's, diamond bracelets, and even a ruby, emerald, and diamond engagement ring. All just waiting for the princesses' arrival.

Katsuki hated that he still wasn't sure if he could tell Izuku the truth about his heritage. He wanted to so badly. The blond prince had made up his mind that his princess wouldn't know, not until he was one hundred percent sure Izuku loved him enough.

Izuku birthday came, but there had been no sign of the red eyed alpha or dragon. It would be two whole weeks before Katsuki and Dynamite would arrive. Izuku was so happy when he felt the pull to the dragon. Mostly because he had missed the blond alpha and the big dragon, but also because he wanted to tell him how it would be easier for them to see each other. Izuku, now that he was sixteen, had put forth a compelling argument to his father. He had stated that now that he was sixteen he should be able to go to his garden, and walk the castle ground without supervision. His father had vehemently disagreed, but then Izuku put forth not only a compelling argument but also a spectacular display of self defense, and skill with his bow. He had promised his father that he would be safe and carry his bow with him at all times when outside the castle walls, besides he would have Nyxis with him as well (The winged feline would sooner die than let anything happen to Izuku). Finally after three days of Izuku's constant pestering King Hisashi relented and agreed (much to Queen Inko's shagrin).

So as soon as Izuku had felt the pain from the dragon he had become so familiar with it was like second nature he gathered his bow and sped off. The green eyed princess walked calmly so as to not stir up suspicion, and headed straight to his garden. Unbeknown to anyone except the greenette, there was a newly formed hidden hole in the large hedge that surrounded his garden. The opening was shrouded by vines and flowers to keep it hidden, but was also big enough for Izuku's small frame to fit through easily. Izuku went to the garden without trouble and slipped out through the hole, then made a beeline straight to where he felt the dragon.

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