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Four years later

It had been just over four long years since the faithful day Princess Izuku had received his gift. A lot had changed after that. For one Izuku, now worked closely with his father using his ability to converse with the animals. King Hisashi had decreed that hunting mythical creatures was punishable by death. He also took Izuku into the forest and made protection, and trade agreements with the mythical creatures. Izuku was now well known by the animals of the forest, not just the mythical ones, but the everyday normal ones as well. It was no longer dangerous for him to enter the forest as even the more scary of creature like the Chimera, and the Minatar's respected, and cared for the boy. Izuku had made quite a few friends among the animals and mythical creatures that lived within both forests on the isle of life.

Nyxis, had gone to live in the palace of Viridi alongside the green haired princess that day. Things were difficult at first as the large winged feline was skittish around all the humans except Izuku. Ochaco, and Tenya were among the first of the humans to gain the cat's trust. This was followed by the king and queen, and eventually Nyxis learned not all humans were like the ones who had hunted and killed his family. The bond between the green eyed princess and the mythical cat grew, until the two were nearly inseparable. If you saw Izuku then Nyxis would be somewhere close behind. Nyxis would protect Izuku at any cost, the love the two shared was immeasurable.

Princess Izuku was now fifteen years old and had more freedom to come and go from the castle. He was never alone of course, his handmaiden and best friend Ochaco was now a permanent fixture by his side, along with his furry feathered companions Nyxis. The green haired boy also had two regular guards who shadowed him when he was in the castle, or on the palace grounds. When leaving the castle grounds and visiting the town Izuku was accompanied by three regular guards and two of his fathers elite guards.

Their names are Yawara Chatora (Tiger), and Ryo Inui (Hound Dog). Both of these men were alphas, and they were built like tanks. Yawara, towered over Izuku at six foot three, and Ryo, at six foot five respectively. They had muscles for days and despite their size were swift on their feet. Both men were deadly accurate with their prospective weapons. Ryo, choosing to wield dual axes while Yawara, preferred a sword.

Izuku and Ochaco visited the town twice a week, where they met many interesting people. The two had worked together to raise money and help fix up the old orphanage that the brown haired girl had spent part of her life in. The Princess and his handmaiden also helped out at the town's clinic, and apothecary. They played games, and read stories to the children from the orphanage and town. All in all Izuku and his friend were appreciated and loved by the townspeople and all of the kingdom of Viridis. In fact the people loved him so much for his kindness, generosity, and willingness to help whenever possible, they began to refer to him as the Viridian jewel.


Both Princess Izuku and Nyxis had grown over the years. Nyxis more than Izuku some would say. Izuku was turning into a lovely princess. His silken green curls cascade down his back to just above his waist. His skin was soft and creamy, with freckles that adorned his cheeks like little constellations of stars. His lips were plump and soft, and he had a cute little button nose. Izuku had toned arms from his use of the bow, a flat stomach, slim waist and curvy hips. He stood at just five foot five inches, and was the picture of omegan beauty. Izuku on the other hand was not so excited now that he was fifteen. He was officially a matured omega and that meant he would soon have his first heat. The green haired boy had been taught all about what would happen to him during his heat and to Izuku it sounded annoying, painfull, and messy. He was truly dreading the day it started.

Nyxis was almost as tall as Izuku standing from paws to head at just over five foot two inches. He was now around eight feet in length from his nose to the tip of his tail. The cat's legs, back, and chest were pure muscle, and his claws and fangs were deadly sharp. His wing span was a good eighteen feet from tip to tip. Nyxis was so strong in fact that Izuku could now ride on his back as he flew. Witch in turn caused Queen Inko to have quite a lot of panic attacks. The winged cat never flew too far off the ground while Izuku was on his back, but the green-eyed princess loved it.

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