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After a quick lunch the rest of the day proceeded quite quickly. The king went off to his office to finish up some last minute work, while the queen saw to the last minute preparations for the ball. The nobles and members from the attending royal families were greeted and shown to the east wing, and guest rooms of the palace. Prince Yo was sent off to do his afternoon lessons with much protestation. While Izuku was taken by his nanny back to his chambers.

Upon entering his chambers Izuku noted there were at least half a dozen, maybe more servants rushing around. The small boy had to move quickly as they rushed in and out bringing in things and also taking them back out. "Nanny, what's going on?" Izuku asked as he looked up to the gray haired woman who still held his hand. "It is all part of your preparations. As today is your presentation day there is much more to be done. I need to make sure everything is being done correctly. Be a good boy and go sit on your bed and play, please?" his nanny asked. "Yes ma'am." the greenette said. He then proceeded to grab some of his toys and also a book and went to his bed.

It had taken forever in Izuku's mind for whatever preparation was being done to finish, but in truth it had only been a little over an hour. The nanny finally came out of the bathing chamber and called out to get Izukus attention. "Alright sweet boy, it is time." the gray haired woman said. Izuku placed his book down and looked over to where the voice came from. Standing there with her hand out for him was his caretaker. Izuku reached up and took her hand, allowing the woman to lead him into the other room. Izuku's little nose scrunched up at the scent coming from the room. It was a mix of sweet and sour, mixed with herbs. He didn't like it one bit. "Haha. I know it's not the most pleasant smell, but it is tradition." the woman chuckled when she saw his face. There in front of him was his bathing tub filled with a white substance that reminded him of curdled milk. There were flaks of green, black and brown floating along the top. "What is it, nanny?" the green eyed boy asked. "Worm butter milk mixed with ceremonial herbs, crushed flower petals and stems, along with a few other things." the lady told him. "Eww, how am I supposed to drink it, and why is it in my tub?" the five year old boy asked, confused. Small laughter filled the room as the remaining servants chuckled at him. His nanny shooker head and giggled. "You're not supposed to drink it silly boy. You must soak in it, before you are bathed." she explained, and Izuku grimaced. "Do... do I really have to?" he asks, his face pleading with her to say he didn't. "I'm sorry sweet heart, but you must." the nanny stated, matter of factly. This made the small green bean frown, a defeated look crossing his face. "Okay!" Izuku said with a huff. He was a very well behaved child after all. The nanny let go of his hand, as he with the help of one of the servant girls he removed all his clothing. He was then lifted and placed inside the bathing tub. Izuku was surprised at the feeling of the warm herb filled substance. Except the smell it really wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

Izuku sat soaking in the tub for a half an hour, once the time was up he was told to stand as the tub emptied. Cups of warm water were then poured over him to rinse his hair and skin of the herbaceous milk. Izuku was then washed from head to toe by the servant like normal. This he was used to and he didn't fuss too much. The small green haired boy was wrapped up in fluffy towels and taken by his nanny back to his bedchamber where he received his every day pampering. He was thoroughly dried, then lathered with a lotion that he noticed now smelled like what his family had said he smelt like. Cinnamon, sugar and vanilla filled the room. Izuku noted that his hair and skin felt much softer than it had before. Once he was finished with all the primping he was sat in front of a large mirror. When a new female who looked to be about his mothers age came up behind him. "Good afternoon princess. My name is Suri, I am here to do your hair for the ball tonight." the woman said with a bow. "Oh, nice to meet you Suri. Thank you for your help." Izuku replied kindly.

Suri then spent the next hour braiding, pinning, and tucking the long green curls of Izuku's hair into an intricate updo that left his neck and scent glands on display. She weaved white daisies and baby's breath into the design. Once she was finished Izuku thought his hair had never looked so beautiful. Suri gathered all her instruments and said goodbye to Izuku and the other women in the room. Before she could leave the room though, Izuku jumped from his seat and grabbed her around the waist with his small arms hugging the woman tightly. "Thank you so much Suri, It's beautiful." the small boy called up to her. "You are most welcome princess. Happy birthday." Suri replied, bending and hugging him back. She then left and the Nanny and servant spent the next hour dressing and readying Izuku for his birthday ball.

Finally fully dressed and ready the nanny led the birthday boy down from his bedchamber to where his family awaited him in a secluded sitting room. Izuku was given a few instructions about the evening, before the royal family made their way to the entrance of the grand hall.

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