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The two weeks that followed had both Katsuki and Izuku in a state of confusion, worry and anticipation. Katsuki was in turmoil, he didn't know what he had done that had caused Izuku to bolt like that. The blond alpha had been courting the little omega after all. Yes there sternly wasn't the type of courting gifts he truly wished to provide for his omega but would have to do for the time being. And yes as far as Katsuki, and his inner alpha were concerned Izuku was theirs, had been since the first time Katsuki laid eye on him at just seven years old.

His Sire not believing he could pull off his plan was constantly parading noble omegas and betas in front of him like some un ending buffett. He hated it and would usually scream at them or use his magic or Dynamite to frighten them away. Finally, not being able to take it any longer, Katsuki went to his dam.

Katsuki made his way from his chambers down to the main floor of the castle then over to his mothers office. Queen Masaru's office was a large spacious room built especially for him. What bits of wall you could see are a cream color, with light ash hardwood floors. The wall to the left of the door was covered with shelves which inturn were covered with books and scrolls. Directly across from the door was a large window with a built-in seat that could hold about five fully grown alphas. The seat had a soft plush cushion and many pillows and blankets for the omegan queen to relax and be content. There were two comfy sofas and a table with a white rug in the center of the room for when the queen had guests. On the wall to the right of the door stood a life size portrait of the Bakugo royal family, Painted when Katsuki was just ten years old. The wall the door was on held other portraits, and shelves with vases of flowers.

He knocked and waited. "Come in son." the queen called. Katsuki entered the room to find his dam seated in the large window seat, a book in hand. "How did you know it was me?" Katsuki asked as he made his way across the room. Katsuki stood at the edge of the seat, knowing better than to just enter the small nest his omegan parent had made there. Queen Masaru chuckled, then batted the spot just in front of him. "You may enter my nest pup. And as for your question who else would it be. I have been smelling the acrid scent of burnt caramel all over the castle. I know you would come to see me, once you were ready." Masaru explained. The blond alphan prince kicked off his shoes and dropped his cloak then climbed into the nest. The two males were sitting face to face, legs crossed.

Katsuki knew he had made the right choice in going to his dam, his Sire would have told him to give up and just choose one of the many nobles she had presented before him. Katsuki knew his Sire was stubborn, and hotheaded, but he couldn't understand her at times. He knew that King Mitsuki had been childhood best friends with Queen Inko, and yet after the incident when he was seven she never even tried to make amends. Now he knew that his father wasn't the most forgiving, and she was very prideful, hell he took after her in most of those aspects. He still thought that after some time King Mitsuki would reach out and try to put things back to how they were, but she neve had. Not one letter, or messenger, or even a magical interaction between the two in over a decade.

"Now pup, explain to me what has gotten you in such a tizzy. Is it all the nobel omegas and betas your father has been trying to force on you?" Queen Masaru asked. Katsuki shook his head. "I mean that is annoying the fuck out of me but no its something else." Katsuki replied. Masaru sighed, he didn't like it when his son or husband used such vulgar language. "Please explain son, and try to mind the cursing please." Masaru said. Katsuki gave his dame a sheepish look before explaining the situation. From the first time he and Izuku had encountered each other throughout the entire time he had been visiting the green haired princess, all the way up to Izuku bolting after the kiss.

After listening to his son, Queen Masaru took a few moments to gather his thoughts before speaking. "Well son, it seems to me that the little princess cares about you." he said. "What?! How do you get that from what I told you? He bolted like a scared rabbit from me kissing him." Katsuki stated, angrily. He thought his dam was messing with him. "From what I know of the princess, and everything you've told me. He is a very intelligent and analytical boy." Masaru starts. "Yeah he is super smart." Katsuki replies. "Katsuki thinks about the situation from his perspective. He is a royal omega, a princess. And as far as he knows you are a commoner from the dragon lands." the queen said, waiting for his son to catch on. "So." is all the blond alpha replies. "What does the law say about royal omegas concerning marriage and mating?" the brown haired queen asks his son. "Royal omegas, be they male or female, princesses must mate and marry into another royal family in order to keep the blood lines strong." Katsuki spouts a direct quote from the royal laws. "But what does that have to.... Oh shit!" were the next word out of Prince Katsuki's mouth. "Do you understand how I came to the conclusion that he at least cares about you?" Queen Masaru askes, with a bit of a smirk. His son wasn't dumb he was just a little slow on the pick up, granted he has been preoccupied with the little green eyed princess.

"So he bolted because, as a commoner if we were seen I could be thrown in the dungeon and even beheaded. Which proves that he at least cares about me." Katsuki said with a large grin crossing his face. "Correct. Now you just have to reassure him that no one will find out and that you will be perfectly safe." Masaru explains. "Thank mum, I knew you would help." Katsuki said. He quickly hugged his dam, placing a gentle kiss to the man's forehead before running from the room, leaving his boots, cloak, and a chuckling Queen behind.

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