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It was a short quick flight from Izuku's balcony to the forest's edge. Nyxis landed in a small clearing just fifteen feet inside the forest border. The clearing had been man made at the King's order. It was where the King and Princess Izuku usually met with the animals, and mythical beasts that inhabit the forest. Now in the dark of the night with only the light of the moon, it gave off a strange and eerie quality.

Izuku slid off of Nyxis's back, stopping to scratch behind the cat's ears and under his chin. "Thank you, my friend." the green haired boy said. The large, winged cat gave a loud chuff sound before rubbing his head along the boy's body. "You're welcome. Stay close to me, just because you have friends among the creature here doesn't mean this forest is safe." Nyxis replied. "Alright. Now let's find and help this injured creature." the princess stated. Izuku could feel the pain from the creature, though over the years he had learned how to block it so it was just a low ache. He focused in on where the voice in his head was coming from before lifting his hand and pointing to his left deeper into the forest. "We need to go that way." Izuku stated. "You lead I'll follow." Nyxis said with a nod, and the two began walking. Izuku kept close to Nyxis' side, the winged cat's night vision being far superior to his own. The cat would warn the boy if a rock or large tree root would hinder his path, he also steered the boy away from prickly bushes, and nettles that might sting or scratch him.

They had been walking for about ten minutes, when the sound of rustling and the crinkling of dry leaves could be heard. The two knew someone or something was approaching, as up until then it had been quiet save for the night insect noises. The two companions stopped at the sound of the noise getting closer. Nyxis moved to take a protective stance in front of Izuku, his fangs bared, and claws extended. Izuku was slightly irritated by the delay. He could feel the pain in his arm was getting stronger which meant the animal was being harmed in some way, either by its own or someone else's doing. They were already having to take it slow, because of how dark it was and now there was another thing keeping him from getting to the creature and helping. Whatever it was that was coming was almost there, Nyxis readied himself to pounce on the creature when Izuku's hand shot out and laid on his head. The brees had just picked up and blown a scent in their direction. Izuku recognized the scent instantly. "Nyxis, calm down. It will be fine. I know exactly who is coming." the green eyed teen said. Just a few heartbeats later a giant male dire wolf steps between two trees. The animal was huge, standing at five foot eight from head to paw, and ten and a half feet from nose to tail. Its fur was jet black, with its left ear being a silver gray color, with deep piercing jade green eyes.

Nyxis hissed, he was a cat after all, and this animal was essentially a dog. Izuku on the other hand moved around Nyxis and rushed over to the large dire wolf. "MAGNIS!" Izuku screeched the animal's name. As soon as he was close enough the green haired boy threw his arms around the neck of the wolf, nuzzling his face into the soft fur. "You startled us. We weren't expectation anyone else to be awake." Izuku said to the wolf. "Hum, some of the pack's sentry's informed me of some loud banging and roaring. I decided to check it out, but I caught your scent on the wind, so I came to you instead. What are you doing out here so late at night little one?" The wolf asked with a growl. Izuku pulled away from the wolf's neck. "You know me. I can't not help a creature in need." the boy explained. "Of course!" Magnis barked while shaking his massive head. The giant wolf looked over at Nyxis. "At least you didn't come alone. Climb on my back, I will carry you so we can get this done and get you back to the safety of your castle." the wolf huffed, as he lowered his enormous body to the ground. Izuku quickly climbed on, grabbing the fur at the scruff of Magnis's neck. All the while Nixis just watched on. 'Of course Izuku would be friends with a giant dog.' the winged cat thought. Magnis got to his feet, with Izuku on his back. "Hold on tight little one." the wolf said. Izuku did as he was told, as Magnis took a deep sniff of the air and bolted in the same direction Izuku and Nyxis had been heading in. Nyxis gave chase, barely keeping up with the large Canine.

It didn't take them long to get to their destination after that. Magnis was very quick and agile for his size. The first thing the group saw was devastation. There was a line of trees that had the tops and branches broken off, as they made their way further in the damage to the tree got worse and worse. Soon they came across a spot where the trees had been fully uprooted and tipped over, there was also a trail of dug up dirt where something big had crashed. Magnis began sniffing the air, after no one had a nose like a dire wolf, especially the alpha dire wolf. He could pick up all the scent around him most were familiar. There was the scent of the forest, trees, grass, earth and such. There were also the scents of animals, squirrels, rabbits, deer, and the like. Magnis had picked up on three distinct scents, one he recognized, the others he did not.

The large wolf got down on his belly to allow Izuku to slip off his back, before getting to his feet. "Zephyr is here." Magnis relayed to the green eyed boy. "Really!?" Izuku replied with excitement searching the area. From the far right of the devastated area a flash of white caught the boy's attention. "Zephyr?" Izuku called out in the animal's language. A soft whinny was heard just before a beautiful pure white unicorn appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. 'Great another one.' Nyxis thought. The winged cat knew his princess was also friends with other mythical creatures, but he still got a little jealous. Izuku wasn't just his friend, he was his only family. This caused the feline to be over protective, and jealous when Izuku showed affection toward other animals.

Izuku and the Unicorn greeted each other, both knowing what the other was there. Zephyr, as the leader of her herd, had many abilities, one being an empath for other animals. She could feel the emotions of other animals, and since they were only a couple miles from her herd's grazing fields it was a given she would be here. "What did you feel? And did you find the source?" Izuku asked the unicorn. "Mostly fear, worry, and pain. I did discover the source, but was too frightened to get close. I knew you would arrive, so I have been waiting on you child." Came Zephyr's reply. Izuku understood, he was a little afraid as well. The beast that had taken down the trees and left the mark on the earth had to be as big as a house. "Lead me to what you found." the green-eyed princes stated with a determined air. The unicorn flicked her long silver tail then slowly trotted to the left of where they all stood. The dire wolf, winged cat, and teenage male omega fallowed in that order.

{WC - 1317}

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