5. Rare and Pure

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'You spend more time in that bath than I do on the throne.' Viserys told his wife as he came into their room. She was soaking in the tub her large pregnant belly sticking out of the water. She sighed as she looked over to him.

'This is the only place I can find comfort these days.' Viserys ran his fingers over the water.

'It's tepid.' He remarked with distaste.

'It's as warm as the maesters will allow.'

'Don't they know dragons prefer heat?' Viserys reminded her with a grin.

'Hm. After this miserable pregnancy... I wouldn't be surprised if I hatched an actual dragon.' Aemma told him and he laughed out happily.

'Then he will be loved and cherished.'

'Rhaenyra has already declared that she is to have a sister.' Aemma told him

'Really?' Viserys said trying to hide the edge from his voice, he needed a son, not another daughter. He needed a son. It was going to be a son.

'She even named her.'

'Dare I ask?'

'Visenya.' Aemma told him and he chuckled. 'She chose a dragon's egg for the cradle that she said reminded her of Vhagar.'

'Gods be good. This family already has its Visenya.'

'Has there been any word from your dear brother?' Aemma mused

'Not since I named him Commander of the City Watch. Avalon said he was here. He could never stay away from the lists.' Viserys told her.

'Rhaenyra told me Avalon was here." Aemma agreed. "Did you see her yet?"

"Yes I just spoke with her, she is excited about Syrax and future dragon eggs, more than the baby I think but that is Avalon for you.' Viserys remarked.

"I remember her inviting me to a dragon tea party when she was little" Aemma recalled. "Got her dragon toys and Mouse, Gods Mouse was so little compared to now."

"She just wanted to make you less afraid of dragons." Viserys remarked softly.

"Thought Mouse and toy dragons would fix my fear. Said I couldnt marry you if I was afraid." Aemma recalled.

Viserys loved his littlest sister, she had the fire and adventure of a dragon but the heart of valyrian steel, rare and pure.

"She said Daemon is going to win and we are going to have a boy.' Viserys added.

'The tourney... to celebrate the firstborn son that we presently do not have.' Aemma reminded him stiffly. 'You do understand nothing will cause the babe to grow a cock if it does not already possess one?'

'This child is a boy, Aemma, Avalon agrees with me.' Viserys told her and she scoffed 'I'm certain of it. I've never been more certain of anything. The dream. It was clearer than a memory. Our son was born wearing Aegon's iron crown. When I heard the sound of thundering hooves splintering shields, and ringing swords and I placed our son upon the Iron Throne as the bells of the Grand Sept tolled and all the dragons roared as one.'

'Born wearing a crown? Gods spare me... birth is unpleasant enough as it is.' Aemma told him 'This is the last time, Viserys. I've lost one babe in the cradle, had two stillbirths, and two pregnancies ended well before their term. That's five... in twice as many years. I know it is my duty to provide you an heir, and I'm sorry if I have failed you in that. I am. But I've mourned all the dead that I can.'


'Commander on the floor!' Captain Randyll Barret declared getting the troops at attention as Daemon came into the room.

'When I took command of the Watch, you were stray mongrels... starving and undisciplined. Now... you're a pack of hounds.' Daemon declared. 'You're sated and honed for the hunt.' They all started howling. 'My brother's city has fallen into squalor. Crime of every breed has been allowed to thrive. No longer. Beginning tonight, King's Landing will learn to fear the color gold.' A war cry erupted and they were off...


"Knock knock." Nyra said as she pushed open Avalons door.

"Ah my hero is here!" Avalon declared "come in. Shut the door." Nyra quickly closed the door coming to Avalons side.

"Hero?" Nyra mused looking over Avalons thin lacey slip.

"Nyra love what should I wear for this tournament?" Avalon held up two options.

"It looks like the same dress." Nyra corrected stepping closer and touching the fabric.

"No no no my dearest Nyra." Avalon corrected. "This red dress has cuts along the waist," avalin stuck her hand through the holes. "This red dress is backless and dips down..." avalon traced a finger down her chest to her belly button. "Completely different." Nyra stared back at her a moment longer.

"I need to see them on to be sure." Nyra countered. "Before I make my final decision." She added.

"Fair enough." Avalon agreed. Nyra sat on the chouch trying not to stare as her dress slipped down. She picked at the books and poked at Avalons luggage still packed up but clothes over filling.

"So this one?" Avalon did a spin.

"Beautiful." Rhaenyra agreed. "Is that new? I don't remember you wearing it when you got in."

"Oh," Avalon chuckled her fingers going to her necklace from Daemon. "Daemon got it for me."


"Yeah," avalon agreed softly letting her hand fall to her side. "You want to see the other one or is this is?"

"The other." Nyra answered. Nyra watched her slender back and smooth skin, small curve of her waist as her dress fell once again.

"Oh no." Avalon murmured. "I always get my arm in the wrong hole." Nyra chuckled getting up. "Help help help me." Avalon begged as she got tangled up in her dress.

Rhaenyra helped her hands grazing Avalons arms as she eased the dress up and down until it settled nicely on her shoulders. Avalon wiggled her arms and did a spin.

"I like this one." Nyra declared.

"Then I need your assistance tomorrow." Avalon declared.


Nyra looked at Avalon as she spun around a smile on her face. There was something so rare and pure about Avalon that everyone loved. Nyra was not immune to Avalons unknowing charms.

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