32. Exquisite

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"Avalon-" Rhaenyra began before seeing her with guards, they flocked around her, but of course they did, she was gorgeous. 

"Excuse me fellas." Avalon purred. "Hi honey," She framed Rhaenyra's hair around her face smiling sweetly back at her. 

"Why did you leave?" Rhaenyra questioned. "I didnt want you to leave." She whispered. 

"I thought it best not to be found naked in your bed," She whispered kissing Rhaenyra's cheek. 

"I didnt get to... we didnt... I wanted to..." Rhaenyra didnt know how to say it and that was probably for the best considering they were in public. All eyes were on them. 

Rhaenyra dreaded another day of man she wasnt going to marry before she pulled avalon away the moment she could. Avalon laughed out as Rhaenyra sealed them in. 

Rhaenyra breathed out, her lips still pressed against Avalons as her eyes fluttered between open and closed. Rhaenyra held on to the back of her neck to keep her close. The last thing she wanted was Avalon getting away from her.

Rhaenyra continued to lick her lips, teasing her with her tongue before diving back inside her hot mouth. They moved in unison, their kisses as easy and natural as the sun rising and setting each day. It was like they had been doing it their whole lives. Rhaenyra knew that Avalon was the one, she could feel it in their kisses, it was like breathing. Rhaenyra knew it was because Avalon had been made for her, her lips the exact replica of what Rhaenyras craved for moons.

"We've wasted so much time being apart when we should have always been together." Rhaenyra remarked. She slightly pulled away, Rhaenyra's hand dropping from her neck to let her, as her eyes softened at Rhaenyra's admission.

"You really believe that about us?" Avalon countered. 

"I really do." Rhaenyra admitted. Avalon gave her a soft smile. 

"You know this can't last." Avalon countered. 

"Why not?" Rhaenyra countered. 

"We are on tour finding you a husband." Avalon remarked. 

"I dont want a husband." Rhaenyra corrected. "I want you." 

"You just havent met the right man." 

"Neither have you." Rhaenyra countered. 

"I have, he's just out of reach." 

"And I'm a substitute?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"No, can't this just be fun and simply my dearest?" Avalon questioned kissing her gently. Rhaenyra nodded. She would take what she could get. 


Avalon swung around a little bundle of roses. Rhaenyra couldnt help but smile until she realized a likely man that wanted avalons heart gave her those roses.

"Dont be jealous

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"Dont be jealous." Avalon assured. "He meant nothing to me I dont even remember his name." Avalon held a flower out for rhaenyra.

"Thanks." She smiled down at the center of the rose.

"Come on," Avalon wrapped her arms around Rhaenyra kissing the corner of her lips, Rhaenyra beamed back at her. "Your husband awaits." Avalon added and Rhaenyra's smile turned into a scowl. 

'...the wall Blackhaven are unscalable vassalstone. And the castle is surrounded by a deep, dry moat. It is well fortified against any future Dornish incursions.' Beric Dondarrion began. Rhaenyra sat bored as she was to choose from suitors. The line was endless and the options were still awful. She leaned into Avalon and Avalon stroked her hair. ''And though my seat may be lesser in size, it is situated most pleasingly.' He went on cleaing his throat he moved to pour himself a glass of wine. 'The view across the Marches is inspiring, so said Queen Alysanne herself when she honored my father and I...'

'And tell me, Lord Dondarrion,' Rhaenyra spoke up. 'did you think my great-grandmother as beautiful as they say?'' Rhaenyra linked her fingers with Avalon tracing down her long and delicate yet skilled fingers. 

'This was half a century ago, Princess.'

'Yes, it was.' She agreed and the crowd of spectators laughed in agreement.

'That was unseemly, Princess.'' Criston murmured. 

"These men are unseemly.'' Avalon corrected. "She is just having fun, her husband is not in this room." Avalon said matter of factly. 

'Thank you Avalon." Rhaenyra agreed. "Besides that man is older than my father. It's unseemly for him to put himself forward as a contender for my hand.' Rhaenyra corrected her guard. 'Next!' she demanded. 'And now a child.' Rhaenyra shook her head, this was useless.

"He's so cute." Avalon corrected. Rhaenyra dead panned. 

'The Black woods are an ancient house with a formidable army.' Boremund Baratheon began. He stared up at her hopefully.  'In the River lands, they once ruled as kings. The blood of the First Men still flows in their veins.'

'Go on.' Rhaenyra agreed. 

"See, smart and cute, good traits." avalon whispered. 

"You are gorgeous and brilliant." Rhaenyra countered. "My standards are higher than cute, my standards," she leaned in close. "are set on you." Avalons lips curved into a smile she tried to hide. 

'My Princess... ours is a bond that has long endured, since Lucas Black wood, the grand sire of my grand sire, aided the Dragon in his war of conquest...' Boremund reminded her.

'Aye, the Black woods truly turned the tide on that one.' One of the men in the crowd shouted and Boremunds confidence flickered as the crowd laughed again

'Coursed with the blood of the First Men, our history is deeply rooted in this land, which your house has made its home. If chosen as your match, Princess... your days shall be easy and nights safe under my protection.' Boremund went on.

"Protection"?' the man spoke up again. 'The Princess has a dragon, you dumb cunt.'

'Bracken!' he was scolded but he kept on laughing

'I could learn to like that one.' Rhaenyra remarked. 'Ugh, let us have the next so we may go to supper.''

"Good idea, oh I miss the food at the capital, our chefs are just exquisite." Avalon added. the men started fighting and Criston agreed they should leave. 

'We're leaving.' Criston told Rhaenyra leading her away.

'Sheathe that steel, you twats!'

'Send word to the harbor and have Captain Oswin ready the ship.' Rhaenyra said as they walked she linked her arm with Avalons. 

'Princess, we're due in Bitter bridge in three days' time.' Criston corrected

'I would happily row myself back to King's Landing if it brought an end to this ridiculous pageant.' Rhaenyra told him.  

"Home coming!" Avalon agreed. "Viserys wont mind." She added. "I'm his favorite little sister." she added. 

"Tis not you he will be upset with." Rhaenyra countered. 

"I will talk him down."

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