16. I Think I'm In Trouble

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"No, please, Lord Lyonel. I have come looking for an unencumbered opinion." Viserys remarked leaning over the table with urgency.

"That's all I would ever give, Your Grace." Lyonel assured.

"Ever since my name was read by the archmaesters at the Great Council, I have felt Corlys Velaryon's envious gaze staring at me from across the Blackwater."

"You sit upon the highest seat in the realm, Your Grace. Proud men don't like having to look up."Lyonel remarked.

"Laena Velaryon."

"Lord Corlys is your Master of Ships and she is the eldest daughter of the wealthiest house in the realm. She comes from unimpeachable Velaryon stock and she has Targaryen blood." Lyonel told him. "What's to mislike?"

"She is 12."

"She will mature. "

"I never asked to remarry."

" As King, you have a claim on all things. Even those you don't want. Marriage is not an obligation you can put off for long."

"What if I was to reject Lord Corlys's proposal?" Viserys suggested

"He would not be like to take it well. I fear nothing short of a direct line to the Iron Throne would satisfy him. You should also consider that we find ourselves on the precipice of war in the Stepstones. And the Sea Snake holds claim to nearly half the realm's ships." Lyonel told him.

"He would not dare withhold them in the face of the realm's need. Who is he to hector me?" Viserys countered

"No one, Your Grace. But Driftmark makes for a better ally than it does an enemy. The Sea Snake has made a calculated reach, a fair play for a man of his position. If you truly want my unencumbered opinion..." Lyonel questioned.

"I do."

"You should wed Laena Velaryon, Your Grace. Sate Lord Corlys and fix him at your side, permanently, as an ally." Lyonel told him

'I had another thought... someone older, someone more-' Viserys began as the door swung open.

"Your Grace," Ser Steffon announced. 'the Princess Avalon has returned from Dragonstone.'

'Dragonstone?' Viserys questioned.


"Brother." Avalon said sweetly as she handed off the egg. he stared down at it before looking back up at her. that face, that I didn't do anything wrong oh so innocent face. "I was just trying to help.' Avalon told him.

"You disobeyed me. You fled King's Landing without a word and you acted without The Crown's leave. You are my sister and my friend. You could've been killed." Viserys shouted as he hugged her.

"I'm sorry.' Avalon said softly

"You went to Dragonstone." Viserys repeated shaking his head.

"And retrieved the egg without bloodshed." Avalon told him calmly. "A feat I'm not sure Ser Otto could've accomplished alone." She added she didn't trust that man.

"Yes, well..." Viserys chuckled.

"Aunt Avalon!' Rhaenyra shouted running up to them.

"Hi sweetie,' Avalon coed. "I think I might be in trouble.' She whispered smiling over Rhaenyra's shoulder as Viserys.

'I was going to do to Dragonstone so you saved me from getting yelled at.' Rhaenyra admitted and Viserys rolled his eyes.

'I sometimes forget how alike you both are.' He said with a chuckle.

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