23. Proposals

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Bad for Business / Viserys Targaryen Out now!!

"I have... oh hello Rhaenyra." Viserys remarked. Rhaenyra lifted her head from Avalon's lap. Avalon stroked a hand over her hair gently. 

"Hi Vis, what can I do for you?" Avalon coed. 

"I have," Viserys cleared his throat and Avalon looked to the scrolls in his hand as he sat down. Rhaenyra sat up fully sensing the tension. Avalon's eye widened. 

"What's that?" Avalon demanded. 

"I have been getting quite a few... marriage proposals for you my love." Viserys admitted. 

"No." Avalon demanded. "Daemon-"

"Is far far away, he is unreliable and he is already married Avalon." Viserys reminded her. 

"No." Avalon whimpered. "Viserys you promised! You promised! Remember!"

"I remember the first time I got proposals for you, you were seven." Viserys admitted. 

"Gross." Avalon declared. 

"I turned them away, and have turned them all away since then because you are my favorite girl." 

"Yeah, I'm not even here." Rhaenyra grumbled. Avalon wrapped an arm around her. 

"You made me promise that you would always be my favorite, you remember that?" Viserys questioned and Avalon nodded. 


"Do I look perfect?" a little Avalon had asked spinning around.

"You always look perfect." Viserys corrected.

"Can mouse come to the ceremony?" Avalon asked innocently.

"No love, I'm sorry." viserys informed her and Avalon pouted up at him. "Don't look at me like that." Viserys begged. "You know I can't say no to you."

"So its a yes!" Avalon declared.

"Make sure Daemon is ready." Viserys countered kissing her forehead.

"But..." She smiled back at him.

"I'm sorry sweetie." Viserys corrected and she pouted again. "Stop looking so cute." Viserys instructed.

"I can't help it!" Avalon declared as she skipped out of the room. "DAEMON! DAEMON! DAEMON!" Avalon called down the halls.

"Right here." Daemon informed her and she spun around. He snapped his fingers three times and she copied him. "Theres my girl, so pretty." Daemon scooped her up putting her on his shoulders. "Viserys isnt chickening out is he?" Daemon mused.

"I like Aemma." Avalon remarked.

"You like everyone and everyone likes you." Daemon informed her.

"I don't like everyone. I dont like..." she leaned closer whispering in his ear. "Spiders."

"Spiders!" Daemon declared and Avalon shushed him tapping on the top of his head as he walked.

"Not so loud, they will hear you." Avalon whispered.

"Will they? And what will they do once they find you?" Daemon teased.

"That's what I'm worried about." Avalon informed him seriously. "I can out run them and Mouse can burn them but they scare me."

"You are this big." Daemon reminded her bouncing her on his shoulders. "And they are like..." he held up two fingers. "This tiny."

"Scary, little and deadly." Avalon corrected.

Aemma was still getting ready, finishing touches and Avalon was getting bored waiting. She left Daemon's side and ran up the steps to Viserys hugging his legs.

"Hi sweetie." Viserys whispered kneeling in front of her.

"Is it almost time for cake, im starving!" Avalon informed him.

"Did you forget to eat breakfast?" Viserys mused.

"No, Daemon and I got cookies from the kitchen." Avalon corrected.

"Living on sugar today are you, Avalon?"

"Always." Avalon agreed. "So... time for cake soon?" Avalon spun around as the door opened. "I want a dress like that one day." Avalon whispered as she moved back down the steps. "I can't see." Avalon told daemon as she tried to peer around people to see Aemma coming down the alise. Daemon picked her up and she leaned into him and Viserys smiled back at them as Aemma made her way to Viserys.

'Let it be known that Viserys of House Targaryen and Aemma of house Arryn are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.'

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated.

'I am his.'

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,'

'from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed. Avalon wore a sparkly Targaryen red dress as she ran around the wedding leaving a trail of glitter in her wake. She loved wedding and was trying to keep from worrying about the future what would happen to her and Daemon now that Viserys was getting married.

At viserys wedding there was already proposals for a 7 year old avalon.

''What?'' Viserys hissed.

''Avalon is lovely and should be married-''

''She is a child.' he corrected ''my baby sister she is not being married off.'' Viserys said confidently.

''Daemon then.''

''This is my wedding. Not theirs. Another word of their union and I'm sure caraxes would be happy to show you out.'' Viserys warned as avalon ran up to him.

''Hello little love.'' Viserys said picking her up. ''Did you see the carrot cake?' he questioned wiping at her lip ''I think you tasted it already.''

''Well... It's for me right?'' Avalon questioned with an innocent smile

''It is for you.'' he agreed

''Aemma is so pretty.'' Avalon told him

''I think so too.'' he agreed.

''Vis... you're not going to forget about me are you?'' Avalon asked leaning her head against him

''No, never.'' he assured

''Because I'm not gonna be your favorite anymore-'

'You're always going to be my favorite don't you worry.' Viserys told her confidently.

''But you're gonna have a girl of your own one day and then I am not going to be-" Avalon went on.

''you are always going to be my favorite girl.'' Viserys assured her.

''You promise?''

''I promise.'' Viserys agreed.


"I'm not going to push marriage upon you, but I'm going to give you the offers to look over, see if you like any of the options." Viserys remarked putting the scrolls before her. 

"Rhaenyra, could help you look over the men." Viserys added. He secretly hoped that Rhaenyra would find a suitor in the match that she liked. 

"Okay Vis." Avalon agreed reluctantly. 

"Thank you love."

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