26. Tickle Your Fancy

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Muggle / Severus Snape out now!

"She's really trying to win the record." Rhaenyra grumbled. 

"Who? What record?" Avalon questioned. 

"For heirs produced." Rhaenyra grumbled. Avalon had heard a flurry of excitement but she had never been one to listen to castle gossip, she was the princess and sometimes she was the topic of discussion and she never liked what they had to say about her. 

Avalon was odd. Thats what the women of court thought. She talked to the animals, talked to the dragons, had more fun with the dragons than people and never gave up on Daemon. 

Avalon never thought she fit in, she didnt know that she really felt like a princess. She felt loved and valued, precious to her family. But when everyone gathered around to celebrate, they came together for Aemma's tourney- unfortunate end not that they knew it at the time- Avalon felt like even though she didnt care for celebrations about herself, that was a defining moment of royalty. 

The people cheering your name, rooting for you, claiming victory in your name. Avalon was just the odd ball that liked to play in the dragon pits and had tea parties with her stuffed animals when she was little. Her brothers were the ones that were successful. Her brothers were the ones that deserved the title. Maybe it was because Avalon was unwed and women looked down upon other women that were unwed without children, they were petty. 

Rhaenyra noticed Avalon's silence as they walked and noticed the ladies of courts whispers their glances. 

"They are probably speaking of me." Rhaenyra offered. 

"No, tis I their words are directed at." Avalon corrected. Rhaenyra had never thought that her aunt Avalon was weak, she always thought she was so strong but right now she looked so fragile. Her face turned down, Avalon wanted to fit in and she didnt know how to. 

"I think you are perfect Avalon.' Rhaenyra assured. "When I'm queen you will be on my council." Avalon leaned into her smiling. 

"Thanks... I would like that." 

"And we will get rid of arranged marriages and let women find love!" Rhaenyra added. "Thats the real reason they speak poorly about you, you know." 

"What do you mean?" Avalon countered. 

"My father is letting you choose your own husband." Rhaenyra remarked. "They are all married to old ugly farts and you will get to marry for love." Avalon nodded but her smile disappeared again. "Did I say something wrong? Did my father say something?" 

"No. No... It's just that i love Daemon and he's married to another and I should really move on." Avalon remarked. "But its impossible." 

"Daemon." Rhaenyra agreed dreamily. Avalon chuckled leaning into her. 

"Yes, he has that effect on women." Avalon agreed. "Thats part of the problem, when he's here I know he is in my chambers- scandalous I know." Avalon added quickly. 

"You make the teas?" Rhaenyra whispered. Avalon nodded. 

"Davina, you remember my cousin Davina?" Avalon questioned, Rhaenyra nodded slowly. "She taught me, when I was exploring across the narrow sea with her, we met some handsome brothers and spent a good fortnight dancing under the stars with them."

"Is that code for sex?" Rhaenyra questioned, she said sex as though it was such a nasty sin. 

"Davina fucked them. I wanted my first to be special." Avalon corrected. "With the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with." 

"Was it? When you... did it?" Rhaenyra questioned awkwardly. 

"Yes. Daemon was my first kiss too."

"He was?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"Yeah..." Avalon chuckled biting her lip at the memory. 

"Was it magical?" 

"No." Avalon laughed out. 

"What?" Rhaenyra countered. 

"I was ten and six and his lips were slimy, it was weird." Avalon laughed out. 

"And yet you are still madly in love with him?" Rhaenyra countered. "I need details." 


Daemon would take Rhaenyra into the town and they would see plays and eat strange new foods. He even brought her to a whorehouse trying to show her the beauty of the human body. Avalon promptly scrunched up her face and turned around

''One of these day you are going to meet a man and want to know how to please him or how you like to be please.'' Daemon had said following after her.

''Gross.'' Avalon remarked.

''It's not gross it's connection.'' Daemon corrected

''The noises they were making didnt sound pleasant.'' Avalon corrected

''Its loud and fun and messy.'' Daemon told her with a smug grin. ''I could help you.'' he offered and avalon stopped walking and turned to him.

''Ha!'' She declared before heading down the path.

''What? What ha? Why ha?'' Daemon countered

''Daemon I love you. I do.'' Avalon assured ''but i dont want you seeing all of me.''

''Why not?'' Daemon questioned.

''Its weird.'' Avalon told him.

''Who then?'

''No one. Its weird that people are so comfortable flaunting their skin like that.'' Avalon told him

''You havent met the right person to tickle your fancy.'' Daemon remarked

''Tickle my...'' avalon couldn't even say it she was already laughing.

''Avalon. Grow up im trying to help you.'' Daemon told her

''I like being a child.'' Avalon countered

''16 is not a child.'' Daemon told her.

''Well I don't feel like a grown up.'' Avalon countered.

''That's because you have never tried it.'' Daemon assured.

''Fine.'' Avalon agreed and daemon rose a curious brow.

''Fine what?'' Daemon countered.

''What do want?''

''Lots of things''. Daemon admitted

''From me you doof.'' Avalon corrected

''Lots of things.'' he repeated grabbing onto her hips and bringing her flush to him.

''Kiss me then.'' avalon told him confidently. Daemon didnt hesitate to kiss her. They kissed, long and slow, their tongues stroking, their bodies pressing together tightly.

When Avalon opened her eyes his face was so close she could see the flecks of gold in his eyes.

''Well? Want to explore a bit more.'' Daemon suggested. Avalon had to think about it for a moment before she took a step back.

''No.'' She answered simply as she headed back to the castle.

''Avalon!'' Daemon whined

''I love you. Goodnight Daemon!'' She called over her shoulder.

''Goodnight trouble.'' Daemon called after her.


"No!" Rhaenyra laughed out. 

"And now when he kisses me my brain goes all fuzzy and my clothes disappear." Avalon agreed. 

"Yeah, I hear that happens." Rhaenyra mused. 

"You get it." Avalon agreed bumping her hip into Rhaenyra. 

"I want to get it..." Rhaenyra countered softly meeting Avalon's gaze. 

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