62. Dollhouse

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Daemon's nose slowly skims over Avalon's jawline, down her neck to her collarbone, stopping at her ear it's an effective strategy. Her stomach flips and bounces around and she giggled out. 

Zelda watched her parents, she loved them dearly, she wanted a love like that one day. One that made her smile with every touch. She heard the many unions like Rhaenyras previous were dreadful and demeaning, the woman held no power. Zelda didnt want that, she wanted a love for the centuries. 

Amara was playing with JOffrey when Jace came in staring down at them. She looked shyly up at him from beneath her eyelashes, then her gaze slid around the room landing on her doll house. SHe smiled back at Jace. 

"This is my dollhouse." she whispered. "You wanna play?" Jace shrugged sitting beside them on the ground. Amara smiled handing out a doll for Jace. He took it awkwardly between his fingers. It was strange going from no sisters to four sisters but Jace was starting to like it. 

Rhaenyra watched Avalon's hips sway gently under the sleek black dress as she walked into the chambers.

When she returned she placed the glass of wine of the table and sat beside Rhaenyra. Their thighs lightly touched as she took Rhaenyra's hand in hers. Rhaenyra looked at her full red lips and longed to kiss them. She sensed Rhaenyra's desire and moved her face to her.

 Their lips slowly pressed together and Rhaenyra could taste the sweetness of her just like that, Avalon tasted so sweet. Her eyes closed and her lips parted begging her tongue to enter. Avalon's hands gently held Rhaenyra's face as they kissed softly, their passion building.

Her tongue licked Rhaenyra's lips and teeth before slipping through and dancing with hers. They kissed furiously like two teenagers as passion took over their bodies. Her hands slipped beneath her dress, softly rubbed her bare skin. Rhaenyra's nipples hardened at her gentle touch and her own hands began to roam over Avalon's soft curves. Rhaenyra touched her bare back and then caressed her soft hair while they kissed passionately on the couch.

The soft chime of a dinner bell interrupted them and let them know that the food was ready, supper time. The bell rang again and Avalon knew the kids were ringing the bell, Avalon chuckled, knowingly as she reluctantly broke their kiss. 

Rhaenyra didnt know what that look was but she was eager to find out. Avalon led Rhaenyra by the hand into the dining room.

"What's that smile for?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"I'm just happy.' Avalon answered. "I got all my favorite people right beside me. Why wouldnt I be happy? Why wouldnt I smile?" Avalon purred. 

They had a family supper and it felt so nice, talking and eating, drinking, Jace sneaking sips of wine with the twins. Rhaenyra wondered what it would have been like if this was them all along. 

But then she would never have Jace and Joffrey and her precious Luke. She didnt regret the past ten years without Avalon, she was glad for her time with Harwin because he gave her, her boys. But sitting her now felt like it was always meant to be.

Daemon leaned over kissing Rhaenyra's cheek before kissing Avalon's. He smiled back at them before Fiona jumped up sitting in his lap, she had always been a daddys girl. 

Daemon looked to the twins as they babbled on about the capital and seeing Daeron and Aemond again. He loved his girls but he wanted a chance at a son of his own. One day, he knew it would happen. He smiled down at Fiona in his lap and Rhaenyra's heart melted seeing Daemon in such a loving fatherly figure. It was like Avalon could read her mind. 

"I know," Avalon agreed. "He's ten times more sexy when he's being fatherly.''

The Story of Us // Rhaenyra Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now