29. Concussion

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"Rhaenyra!" Avalon demanded chasing after her. "I'm borrowing this." Avalon said pulling Criston's horse free. 

"Princess you shouldnt-" Criston countered as she jumped up. 

"RHAENYRA!" Avalon demanded. 

'Your Grace... I had this forged in the Golden Gallery in honor of Prince Aegon.' Jason said coming up to Viserys

'It's quite a thing.' Viserys said as Jason handed off the spear.

'I hope it might provide the killing stroke against your white hart. The King of the Kings wood. It's as if the Seven themselves have blessed this day.'

'Thank you... for your generosity.' Viserys told him stiffly but Jason was not done.

"Rhaenyra please dont- I'm in a very nice dress and not riding clothes and I can't chase you properly until I get my dress sorted!" Avalon demanded. Rhaenyra chuckled pulling her horse to a stop. "Thank you." Avalon agreed. "Honey what happened?" 

"My father wants to sell me off to Jason lannister or any one really, he is drowning in proposals." Rhaenyra whimpered. "Avalon save me." 

"Oh honey," Avalon jumped down and Rhaenyra slumped off her horse. Avalon held onto her as she shed silent tears. 

"I dont want to marry." Rhaenyra begged. "No man will ever be right for me." 

"You dont know that." Avalon countered. 

'I would be honored to take the Princess Rhaenyra to wife, Your Grace. What I offer you, The crown and your daughter, is strength.' Jason told him.

'Do you think that House Targaryen wants for strength?' Viserys countered. 

'If someone offered you more dragons, would you not take them?'

''Do you have dragons to offer?' Viserys countered sarcastically. 

'Casterly Rock is a splendid seat. Rhaenyra may take her place there by my side without shame, and feel herself well-compensated for her loss in station.' Jason offered

'What loss of station?' Viserys sneered liking the lannisters less and less

'If you were to name young Aegon heir, Your Grace'. Jason remarked.

'And when would I be doing that?' Viserys questioned incredulously.

'I had assumed... as he's your firstborn son... Many of us had assumed...' Jason said awkwardly.

'Many of us, you say? Have your bannermen questioned my choice of heir?'

'Of course not, Your Grace.'

'It is your sworn duty to report rebellion stirring in my kingdom.'

'Rebellion? There's been nothing of the sort, Your Grace. I, I...' Jason stuttered nervously.

'I did not decide to name Rhaenyra my heir on a whim. All the lords of the kingdom would do well to remember that. Thank you... for the gift.' Viserys said stiffly.

"Avalon do you want to get married?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"One day," Avalon agreed as they walked along the trail. "Viserys made me a promise that he never ever would marry me off and he has stuck with that promise." 

"He didnt make me that promise." Rhaenyra grumbled. 

"You are the heir, its important for the heir to have heirs." Avalon countered. "You see his situation." 

"Yeah... but i dont like it. If I knew being heir was this much work..." her words trailed off. 

"You wouldnt have wanted it?" Avalon mused. "Rhaenyra you will be a good leader, a good woman, a great queen one day, dont sell yourself short because the men of westeros was not to your standards." 

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