9. You Can Cry

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'Hello brother.' Avalon said holding out some cake.

'Is that supposed to cheer me up?" Viserys questioned.

'It's meant to be eaten.' She corrected. 'you can cry into if you want.' Avalon told him as she sat down next to him. 'oh brother, you reek. I'm going to run you a bath.' Avalon told him.

'I have been otherwise preoccupied.' Viserys reminded her.

'Yes but if I am to take care of you I need you to smell less like dragon shit.' Avalon said as sweet as possible.

'Avalon,' Viserys said with a chuckle.

'I love you brother. So much... eat and then bath.' Avalon told him. He started picking at the cake he watched her as she told them to make it boiling hot before coming back and swiping some frosting off onto her finger. She stuck it in her mouth sucking on her finger as she poked at the cake.

"Avalon.' Viserys said softly and she looked up to him. 'Thank you.' She kissed his cheek.

'I checked on Rhaenyra as well. I told her that you are bad with grief and that when you isolated yourself I would be there to help her.' Avalon assured him and Viserys wanted to cry. Avalon knew him so well, she knew what he needed and wanted without him even having to say anything. 'but you should talk to her. she is lost and confused. You lost your wife but she lost her mother. The woman apart of her life, every day of her life... I cant imagine what that is like.' Avalon remarked softly.

'father.' Viserys told her.

'He pawned me off on you and Daemon.' Avalon reminded him. 'I suppose it would be as though... I lost one of you.' Avalon told him touching his cheek. 'don't die on me brother, I don't want to know what its like to live in a world without you.' Avalon told him. A sad smile pulled at his lips as he hugged her. he let out a shaky breath as there was a knock on the door.

"I can send them away?" Avalon offered.

'no... its alright.' Viserys told her but Avalon could tell he didn't mean it.


'My darling.' Otto said to his daughter. 'How's Rhaenyra?'

'She lost her mother.' Alicent reminded him.

'The Queen was well-loved by all. I found myself thinking of your own mother today.'

'How is His Grace?' Alicent offered.

'Very low.' He admitted 'Which is why I sent for you. I thought you might go to him... offer him comfort.'

'In his chambers? I wouldn't know what to say.'

'Stop that.' he said swatting at her hand she was picking at her nails causing them to bleed. 'He'll be glad of a visitor. You might wear one of your mother's dresses.' He offered.


There was a small knock on the door. Alicent was worried she knew what she was supposed to do but she didn't want to, try and get in the kings good graces, he would need a wife and she needed to be that person to secure their name and line in the world.

'The Lady Alicent Hightower, Your Grace.' She was announced.

'What is it, Alicent?' Viserys questioned turning to her trying to hide the annoyance from his voice as Avalon leaned back against him.

'I thought I might come and look in on you, Your Grace. I brought a book.' Alicent offered holding it out.

'That's very kind, thank you.' Viserys said stiffly. He didn't want company he wanted to sit in the silence with Avalon tracing little squiggles along his arm and back, calming him down.

'It's a favorite of mine. I do know how passionate you are for the histories.' Alicent recalled.

'Yes... I am.' He admitted softly but his eyes turned down to Avalon. She stared up at him taking the book from him she opened it open holding it over her head. She wasn't a fan of histories.

'When my mother died... people only ever spoke to me in riddles. All I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me. I'm very sorry, Your Grace.' Alicent told him. Viserys gave her a tight smile and she took that as her cue to leave.

'That was kind of her.' Avalon said skeptically. Viserys groaned kicking his feet up. 'you want me to go too?" Avalon questioned her head in his lap.

"No.' he told her draping an arm across her chest keeping her with him. "I want you to stay."

A comfortable silence filled them as Avalon ran her hand up and down his arm. Each heart beat slowed as their breathing synced. Viserys didn't remember the last time he felt this content.


Back at the brothel and Daemon should have been on top of the world. His brothers son died and he was the rightful heir once again.

'Thank you.' Daemon said taking the glass of ale.

'The King's sole heir once again. Might we drink to our future?' a man declared and Daemon smiled back at him. There was an uproar of cheers and shouts of delight, their cups banged on the table in celebration.

'Quiet! Your Prince will speak! Silence!' Daemon chuckled as he stood up.

'King and Council have long rued my position as next in line for the throne.' Daemon told them. 'But dream and pray as they all might, it seems I'm not so easily replaced. The gods give just as the gods take away.'

"What can I do?" Avalon questioned. Rhaenyra met her gaze. "Your father is easy to help, I just trace squiggles on his arm and back and he relaxes." 

"You can trace squiggles on me." Rhaenyra offered confused. Avalon sat beside her, her fingers moving along her back randomly but it was working. Rhaenyra closed her eyes and leaned into Avalon. 

"I think it is you more than what you are doing." Rhaenyra added. 

"Maybe." Avalon agreed kissing her temple. "This seems like a wine night." 

"I agree." Rhaenyra remarked. Avalon got up pouring them each a glass. Rhaenyra cradled her cup to her chest leaning back into Avalon, settling into her side. 

"I'm right here." Avalon whispered kissing her cheek. Not having the words to help her. She had lost both her parents but she didnt know her mother, her really didnt know her father either. So when Baelon passed, Avalon didnt really feel anything. She knew she was supposed to be sad but Baelon wasnt part of her life. She imagined ever losing viserys or Daemon and that broke her heart at just the thought.

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