3 - Mummy Man

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Awakened rudely by noises, you got up from a bed. It was hard, but better than the floor, right? Leaving the uncomfortable mat, you stumbled out into a living room, where chaos sprang from the demon brothers.

New Roommates

Shadows had followed you, giggling with their accents. "Jin, you idiot, be quiet." ... "You're the idiot here, laughing loud!" The two stopped, looking for their target, who now had taken a turn at a corner. "Hurry up! The dumpster diver is getting away." Yin said in a hush tone to Jin. The two ran around the same corner, seeing you slow walking and glancing at buildings. 

"Why not jump at em, it's not like anyone is around to witness." Jin said. The two nodded, while whispering their plan. "You drag em, and I start doing what I need too."

The two approached behind you quickly, Yin grabbed your shoulders, pulling you into an alley. "Hello DD, remember us?" Yin said behind you.

You squinted at that, saying, "DD?" You rose a brow. "I think you got the wrong person."

"Dumbster Diver, we been following you and it seems to us, you look completely lost." Jin said who stood in front of you.

You reply, "Yeah, I think I would rather be lost than be near weirdos." ... "Weirdos?!" The twin exclaimed.

Jin pointed aggressively, "You're the weirdo we found in a dumbster!" Then Yin butts in, "Yeah, trash sleeper." The two snickered; you sighed at this, trying to walk off, as Yin had let you go earlier. 

Jin jumps in your way, waving a leafy finger at you. "You aren't going nowhere, bug attractor." The nicknames becoming more creative. "What he said, you foul..." Yin didn't finish his line. Feeling a tighten metal wire wrapped his ankle, everything becoming a blur to them.

They are thrown into an open dumpster, a window unlatched from above. "You damn teenagers, get the hell out the alley!" A bottle was flung at the open trash for disposal, bonking both the twins, as it bounced on one head to the other then shattering. Out of nowhere, a pair of grippers, that look like toed shoes is flung in your direction, smacking you in the face. 

"Bro, wtf." The window closed, you look at the twins as they are dazed. They shook their heads quickly. 

"Holy moly, Jin!" Yin shook his brother by the shoulders. Your mouth jarred, asking, "You two have a place I could stay in?"

Yin looked at you then back at Jin, answering hesitantly, "We do, but uh, why do you ask?" You smiled at the two, as Yin just sweat dropped. "Oh." The two look like they had a flashback just staring at you, as you waited for their guidance.


These demon brothers are quite the roommates you never had. The couch was turned over, with a large hole and spring sticking out cartoonishly. They ranted at one another; you ignore it, searching for food, if there is any. 

"You two don't buy food?!" You yelled from the kitchen, finding empty cabinets. The ranting stopped, one of them exclaims, "Not really, we're demons, remember!" ... "Demons can also eat too you know." You said, closing a lower cabinet in disappointment.

Jin popped a head in through the kitchen entrance, saying, "Wait, you're a demon?" 

"No, just saying, I thought demons could eat too." You said, shutting an unworking fridge. "What's the point of you guys having this?" Jin shrugs going back into the living room.

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