9 - Not Sweet

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Just sour...

Every morning in a week, the twin brothers bothered you. They needed you to be on their plan to run down your boss's restaurant to the grave that will end Mk's career. You refused to participate in it, since they been giving you a hard time to attend work. The brothers quit pestering you after telling them off. 

Since you knew the demon brothers' plan... they had to go against you too, at all costs.


Pigsy gave you a second, but full-time job as a delivery. Cycling down, up, left, right on the pink neon streets, and then taking flight across the sky. Perhaps flying the bike above the city was a... horrible idea.

Speedy Panda bikers are targeting lasers, glitter bombs, missiles, and assassins at you. "How the hell DID THEY AFFORD ALL OF THIS?!" You yelled. A helicopter shot missiles at you. You dived your bike between towering buildings, so the missiles hit the empty streets. You drifted under a highway to avoid more oncoming air attacks. 

Biker bots swarm behind you equipped with laser guns and glitter bombs. A row of bots threw glitter bombs over pass your head afterwards blasting it with the laser. The glitter flew with the wind direction coming at you. You inhaled sharply–glitter goes through your body which was a bad idea as you lost control of the bike, hitting the pavement. Bikers surrounded you, closing in. 

You stand up, wires spilling out to lift the bike. "I'm about to karate chop your A.I asses! SO, STAY BACK BITCHES!!" You yelled, warding them off with the bike. 

One of the bikers rose their hands in defense, saying, "Hey, calm down!"

"We just wanted your autograph." A second bot said, dropping their laser gun, the rest following.

Lowering your bike, you awkwardly scratched your head at the sudden change. "Um, you guys tried to kill me?" You said, suspiciously but confusingly analyzed them.

"We just wanted to lead you down here, so the other bots won't know." Number One said. The group of bots nodded, pulling out a photo of you and a pen. You signed the photos one by one.

This was a start of a beautiful friendship with the bots. Riding your bike adorned with Pigsy's logo on a mini flag to advertise the Noodle Shop. It flutters through your active motion of pedaling across the pink neon road. The moment was sweet and savory, delivering customers noodles became easier.

Mk wasn't having any luck on his side all week, but you were having a fantastic time. You just knew how to avoid some of them ever since you befriended the friendlier bikers. At the moment you stand idle with your bike as a group of violent bikers drove pass the alley you hid in. 

Once it was cleared, you delivered the last batch of noodles, and traveled back to Pigsy's shop.


You entered the restaurant, Mk groans while rubbing his head. Pigsy walks towards the counter passing an ice pack to him.

Mk glance over to you. "Agh, did they get you too?" He groaned, icing his head.

"Nope, I managed to avoid them." You said, sitting on the stool next to him.

"Agh, what?! Those guys been sabotaging me all week!" Mk complained, slamming his fist on the counter. 

"Well, I guess you need to get creative then." You suggested, feeling bad that he had to deal with them. 

"Oh, I had enough of those Speedy Panda delivery brick heads!" Mk yelled.

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