7 - Objectives

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Early birds within Megapolis City were already awake, strolling on the sidewalks while occupied on their phones. Many others cherish time with their friends or families.

You were one of the many strolling to the Noodle Shop, instantly flashed by the light of Mei's phone upon entering the open-door frame, as Mk was busy mopping the floor.


"Whoa, dude, nice mustache." Mei said, pointing her camera phone at you again, the flash hitting your eyes. She showed a photo of you rocking a Dali-style mustache, the tips pointing upwards. You never knew you had facial hair since you don't usually look in the mirror.

Pigsy and Tang were chatting and looked over at you. The two complimented your mustache. "You plan on keeping it?" Pigsy asked as he stroked his chin.

"I'll think about it." You said. The pig nods out of respect. 

"How'd you manage to grow facial hair overnight?" Tang whined, touching his face. "I can't even grow any that fast."

You gave him a shrug, saying, "We'll never know."

Mk waved to grab your attention. "Oh hey, I need some help with cleaning." He said. Mei suddenly flashed her camera at him. Mk posed for the camera but dropped the mop on the floor. He is about to pick the mop off the floor but flinched. You found this concerning as he turned his back with an arch to you, staring at the wall.

Pigsy concernedly asks him, "You feeling alright, kid?" Mk glanced at the pig and then at the wall again.

You're starting to think he is attached to his mentor when he says, "Monkey King?" He stood there. You looked at Mk confused, then glanced at the others in concern. They are also confused and concerned. Mk freaked out, yelling, "Dead?! What's happening to me?! Is this what dying feels like?!" He fell to his knees.

You pick the mop off the floor as the boy stares at the wall with shifting emotions. He kept talking to nothing and stared at the ceiling now. You poked at his shoulder, and he glances at you with a sharp gasp. "Is my mustache scary? I should get rid of this after work." You mumbled.

A woman outside the front of the restaurant yelled out, "What is that?!"


The crew and you rushed outside, the sky an orange-yellowish hue. Many other civilians within Megapolis City are witnessing the giant dumpling hurdling down slowly, directly above.

You and Tang's jaw fell slacked at the giant piece of food. You were speechless at the sight, eyes watering at the brightness of the dumpling. "MY EYES!!" 

Tang says, "As delicious as it is...terrifying." He drooled with widened eyes.

Mk quickly gathered the crew in a circle to create a plan. "Alright, this will undoubtedly be our most parallel mission of all time. A journey to a room where Monkey King keeps his junk, to find uh...something to stop a celestial dumpling from destroying the world." He said, then starts hyping Mei, but she faces disappointment that he has chosen Tang to accompany him.

"I think you should bring Mei to journey with you in case something goes wrong." You suggested. He turned to you, not hearing you, saying, "Alright, my secondary wingman! You're going to be coming along too!" He pulled you and Tang together in his arms. Mei frowned at this and voiced her reasoning as to why she should go instead. 

"Sorry Mei, only the experts should be going!" Mk said, throwing you and Tang on the hover motor that appeared out of nowhere. Tang takes control of the motor and blasts off into the sky. "Why are you letting him drive?!" Mei yelled out.

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