Dream Bugs

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(Audio Warning)

Continuation of chapter 6-Bed Bugs but a background story.


The next day...

"Ding, Ding, Ding... Good morning, Ding, Ding, Ding"

It was the crack of dawn; you lay on your hard mattress. It seems a high fever had crept in again last night, so much for wanting to return to work. Your alarm was blowing up on the drawer beside you, at least 50 alarms for each second, but that didn't wake you. Every alarm shook the whole room. A slow creak crept from the door, but it didn't wake you either.


A harp strum elegantly, the autumn wind flowing through trees: a little boy stood in a garden, stroking the strums of a handheld harp amongst the fallen beauties. Armies of flowers dancing so peacefully...some withered away. The air was fresh and cold, the boy inhaled and then let out a shaken breath. 

"My lad, supper is prepared." A woman called out. The boy gently left on the strumming a gradual silence on the harp. The instrument is left alone in nature's soil, as the young boy strolls along a pebbled path to a small cabin. A door wide open leading to a dark space...


"Is he dying?" Jin asked his brother, poking your cheek. You were heaving out staggered breaths, clamping the side of your neck in pain.

Yin shrugged suggesting with a smirk, "Don't know, maybe we should pour water on him to wake him up?"

"I think... he wouldn't like that." Jin muttered the rest of his words, but he shook his head as a better idea came to mind.


The teenager settled on a stool; hot porridge presented in a bowl accommodated with a spoon in front of him. A candle is lit on the center table.

He took the spoon, slowly taking a full spoon to eat, the warmth overwhelming. The teenage boy pondered. . . wondered for the most. "What is lifelike out in the world?" His nanny who kept him safe throughout the years of his youth halted her chores.

"The world outside is not fairly friendly, not kind to the innocent... so judging, cruel." His nanny answered, she clinched a rag in her sharp claws, but relaxed, her hands returning to their formal shape. The teenage boy didn't believe her words." Everything." She seethed.

The teenage boy stared at the steaming porridge with content.

Taking one last bite, before leaving it half done. He walked out of the cabin, as a young adult, he inhaled the fresh air of winter. His journey out in the world begins.


...The world at the moment is moving...

Jin let out a yawn, stretching his arms. The brothers had taken the time to get a used hard mattress and rolled you onto it. "Haha, that'll teach them to not sleep on the job!" The brothers chuckled as you snored loudly.


The young adult traversed across the world with people to the Asian continent. He taken a musical career in the country, Mongolia; dressed in traditional magnolia clothes.

Traveling to the country to start his passion. The years moved on... his welcome to the country was well past due. A mob chased him down, as one civilian, an elderly man recognized him.... 

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