Debt to Karaoke

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It's been only an hour, after Megapolis city was covered by the celestial dumpling mush. The city had a high-tech cleaning system managing the mess.

Some small establishments snagged in containers worth of the mush, reselling the probably highly contaminated food to their patrons legally.

(Disclaimer: This is not legal advice, as eating food falling from the sky is not wise because of...)

You were burrowing in a dumpster for an item, frustration resurfacing from losing something so valuable. You had given up on the search, walking to the apartment you shared with the twin brothers. Scheming their demise for the stunt they pulled when you were sick. You have your phone out on speed dial to your car-tailor for a readied vehicle.


Somewhere in a secluded area of the city,

"Look, we didn't think you would take it that personally!" Yin's voice cracked.

"Give us a chance mate!" Jin begged.

"I'm not your mate." Your face darkened with a shit-eating grin.

The two are tied up together hanging upside down on a made shift catapult, attached to the dumpster you were found in.

Your car-tailor turned the dumpster you were found into a golf-cartapult, taking the blueprint you have drawn seriously done the way you like it just in a week.

"Hope you two like the ride!" You cackled. The two screamed, being catapulted across the sky, and crashed into their apartment.

The dust of debris reveals a female purple(guy) demon in a red dress. "What did you two do?!" The woman barked at the gold and silver brothers. It's been so long.


"Our roommate!" The two exclaimed, hugging each other. She looked over at the destroyed wall, questioning, "Roommate?"

You had climbed through the break-in. She flashed up to you and began choking you in her hands in the air.

"Okay... You're choking. me .out ...grill. Damn, you're strong." You rasped, with cheeks puffed out. You felt like you were about to pop like a balloon, but feel her grasp loosen then let go. She pulled you down by the collar to her height level. "You're going to be the one paying for this damage!" She hissed, pointing at the wall.

You shook your head at this, saying, "No way! And who the hell are you?"

"Yes way! You're taking responsibility for it all and I'm their accountant!" She said, pointing to the men who scurried off.

"But I don't have enough money to pay for this!" You said, throwing your arms in the air; she pulls you closer.

"Then you will find a way." She sneered, then forcefully pushed you out of the destroyed wall.

You ran for the streets. "You belong to the streets!" The accountant yelled. Writing you on her blacklist as you disappeared behind a building.


You honestly weren't sure how you would make up for the damage, that is until you hear music coming from someone's phone.

Giving you a great idea.

You went back to the apartment to drag the demon brothers outside. "Uh, where exactly are we going?" Jin said, looking around suspiciously. Yin then violently points to a pink neon sign in the distance, "Aha! He's trying to lead us straight to the Monkie Kid!"

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