2 - Pig man

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Light radiated through the dumpster you slept in. Voices can be heard above you, someone poked at your face. "Aye, Jin, you think this guy is dead?" The other lid got lifted up and another person peeked inside. "He reeks, so maybe?" A ringtone went off, startling the two, they backed away from the dumpster.

"Dadadadaadaa dadada." You slowly rose up with your arms crossed over your chest, then fetching out your Nokia out your pocket. Looking at the number, the bastard who fired you was calling.

"Crap, at this time?!" You yelled. The twins jumped at the voice. 

You picked up the call. "Hello? - Nah, not happening man, I might have lost where I went last night - That's none of your business dude - Fire me? Shut the hell up, you already fired me, so why say it again? Put it onto my records, I could care less about it since my life is already ruined." Your voice cracked. Ending the call quick, you deleted your bosses number including some coworkers.

Pocketing the phone, you crawled out the trash feeling sweaty. Greeted by the twin brothers that watched. "Eh, who are you guys?" You questioned, staring at the demons.

The two looked at each other than at you, grinning doing a formation. "We. Are. The. Silver. And. Gold. Twins!" Both started arguing afterwards on whose title should have gone first. While they are distracted, you observe their features, blue and orange skin tones, horns for brows and a plated circle on their chest with straps over their shoulders. They kept arguing, so you took the time to waltz out the alley onto the sidewalk.

Your clothes drenched in sweat, crust and musty stains, along dust fluttering when you had left the trash. "God damn, I need to change out." You said. The collared shirt you wore was filthy along the dress pants, and shoes. Pedestrians passing by tried avoiding you or insulted you under their breaths. Your hearing was magnificent, shrugging them off. A clothing store was just across the street not too far from a noodle shop.

Entering the clothing store, you asked for the location of a restroom which an employee who wasn't looking up from their phone pointed out.

Washing up quickly then taking a look in the mirror. "I really need to take care of myself." You blinked at the reflection.., wait... "Holy Shit!" Your voice distorted, freaking out. You threw yourself into a stall. "What is going on?! Why do I look like fucking... lego?!" So many things were running through your head.

You pulled out a touch screen nokia out your pocket this time. Checking the apps, it had a bunch of stuff you never seen before. One being a media app, its image unfamiliar, tapping on it. There have been recent events that happened not too long ago. Scrolling through the media to find out, you see a kid with a red bandana holding a stick, apparently considered a hero in their city of... Megapolis?

"This doesn't make sense. I was just at the bar last night and went to a..." You stopped talking. Hearing a door open and heard giggling. You stood on the toilet, peeking through the gap of the stall door.

"Hehe, my lady's plan shall be commenced." Your heart was pumping rapidly as you tried not to slip off the toilet. The guy began to laugh manically. The lights turning blue. He fixed and patted down the clothes he wore. "No one will stop her, not even the Monkey—" He abruptly stops. "A listener?" He said, with a grin spinning his head at the stalls. 

You felt an itchy sensation within your throat and held in a cough, then began shaking from holding it in. The guy came closer to the stall you are occupying. "Is someone... in here?" He shook the door. You thought about phasing through to the next stall, though a headache is making it harder to do it.

Instead, you improvised, opening a camera app on the phone and started acting like you were making a video. He slams the stall open to breaking its hinges. "Oh, what do we have here?" He said.

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