11 - An Easter Egg

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Mk was awake all-night thinking. Reading his last lesson on a scroll sent by Wukong. He was trying to decipher what the lesson meant—thinking on what can help him fight against Bone Demon too.

You overheard him repeatedly muttering to himself about needing to find something. You weren't bothered by this, as you had your own concerns.

In the morning, you tried to persuade Mk with the training regimen you had prepared for him. This became a challenge when you told him what they are. Which he found silly, he told you he already possessed combat skills and abilities beyond yours. You definitely didn't take offense to whatsoever. 

"Kid, it will help you take your mind off the Bone Demon." You said, trying to assure him.

"Why would I want to take my mind off a big problem! She's a threat!" Mk said. "I think it'll be better if I train on my own."

You deflated as the kid marched his way towards the door of the apartment to exit.

This led to him believing that you weren't taking him seriously, which decreased your social credits to NEGATIVE INFINITY!!


Mk called Sandy and Mei to help him search for something at Flower Fruit Mountain. Sandy gave you, Mk, and Mei a ride on his boat to the mountain. 

Bringing relief to you as you've been thinking about training on the mountain with Mk. You asked him one last time to train, and he didn't decline the training, just to give it a try. 

You and Mk are training outside the shed, before he can appoint everyone to searching.

The both of you used stale baguettes to sword fight, then it went to wrestling each other. Mei and Sandy observing on the sidelines. You were mainly having fun, as Mk was taking it too seriously.


Mk was trapped in a leg lock by you. "This is not fair!" He exclaimed. You released him and he jumped into a fighting stance, launching a straight punch towards your face. His whole arm soared over your shoulder, which you swiftly grabbed. 

"The enemy will never be fair." You said, twisting his arm behind his back, and holding him in a headlock. He tried to elbow you with his free arm, but it was futile. Then, he attempted to use his strength, trying to break free.

"Want to arm wrestle?" You proposed. 

He stopped struggling, looking puzzled. "Um, how is that going to help me in training?" He inquired.

"Strength test, 1v1 me!" You challenged. With one final attempt to escape your hold. He flipped you over his head. 

You twist mid-way to land in a semi-kneeled position, then quickly stood up. Looking at Sandy, who was observing. You ask, "Hey Sandy want to be the ref?"

"Sure!" The blue giant agreed.

You and Mk found an old table on the shed's porch to use for the arm-wrestling match. Sandy who stood at the side, says, "Ready?" The blue giant looked between you and Mk. "Go!"

The table begins to shake. You couldn't help but laugh, knowing that this isn't going to end well. Your laughter was contagious, as Mk starts to laugh too. Both of you are trying to overpower the other. 

He used his body as extra strength and weight to push your arm back, and you did the same. It was still a tie between you and him.

"Mk, do you got that dawg in ya?!" You said, puffing your chest out. 

He mimicked the gesture, closing one eye. "Yes! I got that DAWG in me!"  He declared, steam coming out of his ears. He folds your arm back with full force, breaking the table into pieces. "YEAH!... oh, sorry, went overboard there." He held his head.

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