10 - MINI

104 9 3

The first light of dawn crept into the shared apartment. You stood in the bathroom, shirtless, staring at the scar beneath your shoulder blade reflected in the mirror. A loud, rapid knocking came from the door. "DUDE, ARE YOU DONE IN THERE?! I GOTTA GO REAL BAD!"

Smiling, you were grateful Mk offered you a place to stay. He is quite the fun roommate you will always get. He was thrilled to have you live with him—keeping you awake late at night to play video games and getting yelled at by Pigsy the next day. 

The paranoia of the mayor that lingered finally disappeared, distracting yourself by assisting Mk's training—you had created your training regimen as he learned many of the remote lessons given by Wukong so far.

Mk was learning astral projection at this moment. The best you could do was hype the young man, and he succeeded, contacting Wukong while you thought of ideas of what he should learn. Though 'some' of your chores hindered that from happening. 


Wukong was exploring an ancient catacomb when he got into a tight situation, struggling to uphold a spiked stoned trap that had fallen above.

A visual of Mk appeared in front of him. "Monkey King! It worked!" Mk cheered. 

"Uh, hey bud, so you figured out astral projection, huh?" Wukong responded.

"Yeah, and I only had five nose bleeds." Mk held his chin. "How's your vacation? How are you? It's so good to see you!" He jumped up happily.

"Now is not the best time bud." Wukong clenched his jaw. 

Mk held the back of his head, staring down at the pink neon road. "Okay, it's just... I hadn't heard from you in a bit, uh... about my training." Mk said, rubbing his arm.

"Uh yeah, I'ma need you to keep working on your own for a while... remember, you can do it." Wukong praised while struggling to uphold the stone trap.

"About that, (Y/n) will help me with training! But right now, he can't until he finishes this deal with Pigsy." Mk said, cheering up again.

"Oh, that's nice of... him! Why don't we talk later bud? Uh, new lesson! Train by shrinking yourself and trust your instincts!" Wukong said, dashing out beneath the trap, cutting off the astral projection. 

"Wait! Trust my instincts?!" Mk looked over to you. You ask, "What did he say?"  

Mk sighs, replies, "He gave me a new lesson and said to shrink myself, but how the heck am I going to do that?!" 


In the noodle shop, you are on dish duty, scrubbing the dishes as Mk is at the front counter mopping the floor. You hoped Pigsy wouldn't assign you heavy-duty work as your shoulder had already started burning at the beginning of your shift. Pausing to crack your back, you then resumed cleaning. 

Pigsy lined the stools at the front counter and said, "Look alive boys! This place needs to be spec and span! I've got a very special guest arriving!" MK mopped the floor tiredly, watching the pig man paced around wiping the tables and his portrait on the wall. 

"Did someone say free noodles for a special guest?" Tang said. He leaned on the open-door frame of the restaurant. He walks in to sit on the stool at the front counter. You turned the sink off, peeking around the corner from inside the kitchen.

Pigsy appeared behind the counter, furiously saying, "Beat it, Tang! There's only one guy eating for free today and that's—" 

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