Chapter 19- The Book of Circus Begins

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It was a new day and the quietness of the manor was a boring lull. It was well into the day with Sebastian running about pretending he was the main character of whatever sad show he thought he was in since we had a guest coming later in the night.

For the first few hours we had been readying up together but after watching him self narrate everything he was doing like a shitty soliloquy, I requested my talents be used elsewhere.

"You don't think Sebastian's even a little weird?" I asked Mey Rin, swinging the load of laundry in my arms from front to back.

She shook her head excitedly. "He's so handsome! And so dignified!"

I frowned, remembering earlier today when I saw him giggling to himself like a school girl while shining cutlery.

"Uh huh, right."

I fell silent as Mey Rin went on about that butler. All day I had been feeling out of it, almost as if something big was approaching. My demon senses had been on edge all day and I was starting to get suspicious.

Ever since being at this manor, I had let my powers get a little slack. It wasn't like I was back at the kingdom where I constantly had to be on alert but still, today felt odd.

As soon as we got to the laundry room, I sensed exactly what had been bothering me. Dropping the bucket worths of clothes, I took off after calling for Mey Rin to start without me.

Turning the corner, I slowed and made sure once more I was completely alone. Sebastian and Ceil were becoming more and more pain in the asses about the servants seeing me use my powers during the day so I had to start sneaking around.

Heaving a breath, the world around me began to fall away as a new scenery materialized around me. I absolutely loved shadow traveling and it was honestly disappointing that I didn't get the chance to do it as often as I wanted.

I ended up in the woods that surrounded the manor. Scattered in the underbrush was a plethora of badly hidden henchmen and assassins crouching in between bushes and behind trees.

"Honestly, without the demons working here, those shit for brains human servants would've let Ceil take a bullet to the head within a week." I sighed, startling the small army gathered before me.

A large man stood up with a gun pointed at my head. "How'd this bitch get past us?"

"She's going to tell the watchdog!"

"That maid can't stop us on her own!"

"Did she say demons?"

Smiling like a shark, I allowed my eyes to glow their natural dazzling pink and felt the air pressure around me drop.

"Yes and that was 'demons', plural."

I lunged for the first guy who had stood up before they knew how to respond. He was easy enough as I ripped through his stomach with my claws before breaking the gun from his fearful grip. By the time the shitty little humans got it together and started shooting at me, the damage had already been done.

"It's not human!" One shrieked, running past me in an attempt to save himself from the fate of his comrades.

I merely flicked my wrist, by now my claws were long scaly things that exuded power. I was going so fast that most of the men didn't have time to process what was happening before I ran them through with my claws.

"Ah ah ah!" I tutted, cackling as I heard the sound of bones crashing into a wall and cracking against it. My powers had manifested a protection bubble to ensure none of the rats managed to escape. "Rules are if someone knows that the queen's watchdog enlists demons, I gotta kill them."

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