Chapter 21: The Circus Takes a Turn for the Worst

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My heart pounded as I watched William walk away from us. I always hated when my heart started to race, it felt so human but I knew it was because of the fear of the situation. Already the aching in my head was getting worse and was starting to make my vision not so clear. William threw a wrench into my current situation. Sebastian and Ceil were ignorant enough to choose to not ask questions when they saw me acting oddly, William knew me better. If he found out I was sick, especially if he suspected it was Giant Fever, he'd tip off my kingdom and I'd have to answer a lot of awkward questions I really didn't need.

"Sebastian, Alexandra. We need to talk to him." Ceil whispered as I could only stare. "Do you think you could get him to tell you what's going on?"

I shrugged, cracking my knuckles and shaking off my worries. "William is more of a pain in the ass than the others but there's more than one way to get him to comply."

Ceil nodded. "Then I want you to-"

"Come on Smile let's practice!"

I blinked as Dagger rushed from behind and whisked a fighting Ceil away. Sebastian merely looked at Ceil then back to Will then to me, ushering me ahead. Shrugging, I walked over to my most stoic reaper friend.

"Will!" I called as he immediately sped up at the sound of my voice to try to leave. "Dammit you prissy little bitch wait up!"

He snorted and kept going. "I have nothing I want to say to your kind."

"My kind is about to grab you by the death scythe and-"

I wanted to come off as mysterious and menacing but instead I felt a nasty cough bubbling in my throat. I instantly stopped, trying to force it down before it came out but I was unsuccessful. My hands were clamped around my mouth as I tried to stifle it, the pain making my lungs ache in a way I hadn't felt in millions of years. For a moment, I thought I was going to start choking as I was trying desperately to stop it until I felt someone grab my arm. Assuming it was Sebastian I was about to wack the every loving hell out of the butler when I looked up and saw it was William.

"Come on." The reaper said begrudgingly as he stared down his nose at me. "Let's get some air."

Tears stung my eyes involuntarily as we went out to the cold. I was able to suck in some air which helped with the coughing, managing to get some liberating breaths in as I gulped for fresh air. Even though I had subdued the coughing, I could feel in the tears in my eyes and a glaring pain all throughout my aching throat.

"I'd rather freeze." I swallowed hard as Will tried to hand over his multicolored jacket as the cool winter air sent a chill through me. "These circus freaks did a number on you, huh?"

The reaper's gaze narrowed. "I wouldn't be here if that moron of a red head hadn't gotten himself two weeks probation for going off with you to Jamaica and abandoning his To Die List."

Realization hit me and I cuddled up to William, bashfully batting my eyes at him.

"Is that why you're mad at me?" I stuck out my bottom lip and held his arm against my chest. He merely rolled his eyes at me. "You know, you were invited too! All you had to do was ask!"

William pulled away with a look of disgust as I laughed which threatened to turn into cough so I covered my mouth again. I waved the two idiots away as they tried to steady me but I gritted my teeth so hard I was worried I'd chip one off.

"Let's get to business." I said, motioning for Sebastian to talk now.

The butler looked at me as I struggled to contain myself and coughed into my arm but went back to Will. "Why are you here? What's going on at this circus to require a reaper such as yourself to go undercover?"

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