Chapter 13- A Chance Encounter at the Carnival

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"Alexandra move!"

I gasped as I was pulled from my thoughts and out of the way from a rather angry looking noblemen. Sebastian's grip on my shoulder's was tight as he smiled apologetically at the older man.

Shaking off the butler, I huffed and pulled my jacket closer to myself. "Sorry I've been-"

"Spacing out. I'm aware. That's the third person you've almost run into." Ceil continued on with his walk. "Sebastian, do your job and make sure she stays in line."

I was frowning as Sebastian put an arm around my waist and led me on. Due to that pesky little 'lovers' rule, I had no ability to object to Sebastian's handsy cuddling. Ceil had dragged us to town yet again, but this time it was worse. Apparently to humans, the idea of a river freezing over is enough cause for celebration. I was aware we weren't just here to enjoy the festivities however but also here for a case.

While I did know that, I didn't know what spending the day on a frozen lake in negative 40 degree weather had to with the said case.

"Do we have to be out here in the cold?" I grumbled, setting myself firmly in reality. My thoughts had been running wild all day. While I had no desire to be as close to Sebastian Michaelis as I was, he was actually very warm so I cuddled up to him. "It's freezing! Imagine how cold it's gonna be when we finally get on the ice!"

Sebastian responded to my complaining. "There is quite a large celebration on the ice, completely with vendors and meals. We can get some tea when we get there."

"I don't want tea." I whined. "I want it to not be negative 40 degrees."

Ceil sighed. "It's hard to imagine that you can still be cold considering you're spooning with Sebastian."

Sometimes, every fiber in my being wishes I could rip Ceil Phantomhive apart limb by limb until he learned some respect.

"Phantomhive, I'll cut your-"

I suddenly stopped, digging my feet into the ground so Sebastian couldn't lead me along. He slammed to a stop as I used my demon strength and looked at me like I was insane. I was too busy to care about his feelings and looked off in the direction of an empty alley. Some ways away, I sensed a sudden supernatural presence moving at rapid speeds.


Supernatural beings have this sort of sense that helps them find other creatures. As demon, I could sense each and every human soul around me as they all had a distinctive energy signal. Typically, the more supernatural a being, the more energy they expelled. Since I was surrounded by humans in a very populous area, it was odd that I was sensing another supernatural creature. Since I gave off such an intense power level, monsters from hell typically made very effort to avoid me and whatever time period I was in.

"What is it now?" Ceil sighed, moving over to the side so we didn't get trampled by the stream of haughty Englishmen behind us.

I looked away from the energy source and shrugged, ready to start walking back to the river. It wasn't my job nor desire to waste my time chasing any little creature I could sense. Instead, I was about to shake it off when I suddenly sensed the appearance of three new supernatural creatures, all in pursuit of the first one.

My fingers twitched as I looked across the street into the dark alley that would lead me to the chase going on. Now, my interest was piqued.

Ceil facepalmed. "Here we go again."

I took off with speed, shouldering my way through the crowd with a powerful shove every which way. Angry nobles were left in my wake as I tore across the street, dodging carriages with my superhuman speed before tearing into the empty alleyway.

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