Chapter 6- The Party (And Alexandra's Demise ;p)

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Alexandra POV

I woke up stretching. For a few seconds I looked around wildly since I wasn't in the room I usually slept in when I went to the townhouse. Soon enough, my memories of last night returned and I giggled.

"That probably scared the butler off for a few hours!" I yawned and rolled out of bed, swaying in place as I stood. "Clothes, I need clothes."

Talking myself through my morning routine like a psychopath, I got ready for the day. Today we were supposed to go over all aspects and evidences of the case and execute a plan of action. Ceil expected all of us to be there after breakfast which meant I couldn't take off and hang out with Grell.

I glanced at the clock and almost screamed at the time. Usually if I was running super late, Sebastian would come knocking on my door telling me to wake up/hurry up. Already I was a little suspicious of the fact I had yet to get yelled at to hurry up, but I realized why. It was already half way through breakfast.

"Shit shit shit!" I cursed aloud, rushing to throw on as much of my uniform as possible, "Oh he's gonna kill me."

Usually if I was at the main manor, I could use the excuse of government business to get Ceil to turn a blind eye to my tardiness. Now however, we had guests, guests that were already suspicious of how non-maidlike I am.

I hauled ass out the door, still fumbling with my buttons as I ran. Unfortunately for me, I have one braincell and the smart choice would have been to quietly sneak in through one of the smaller entrances, not call too much attention to myself, and deal with my punishment later. Instead, I burst through the main entrance at maximum speed, half dressed.

"Morning!" I said brightly to Ceil who looked like he wanted to throttle me. "Uh, morning to you guys too!"

Madam Red and Lau exchanged a look of displeasure and I gulped.

"Good morning Alexandra." Sebastian sent me a triumphant smirk as Ceil spoke to me with gritted teeth, "Care to explain why you were 30 minutes late to breakfast?"

"I'm, uh," I paused to adjust my maid's dress, "sick?"

Everyone looked at me and I coughed twice.

"Get out."


I turned a swift 180 and marched right into the kitchen. Considering how Ceil usually reacted to seeing me in the morning, this was actually pretty tame. Thankfully when I entered, there was a plate of food sitting on the counter. I smiled to myself and very happily began to dig in when the door opened.

Grell poked his head in before laughing at me, "I seriously forgot just how annoying you can be."

"The fact you forgot how annoying I could be means I haven't been annoying enough," I shoved a piece of egg in my mouth, "Please tell me this was for me."

"I think it's cute that Sebastian makes food for you in the morning!" I rolled my eyes as Grell chuckled, "Even though I'm pretty sure he only does it because he realizes how much more of a pain in the ass you are when you're hungry."

I flicked a piece of my breakfast onto him and he screeched something about his jacket. By the time Sebastian walked in, Grell was giving me an earful and I was passively eating my breakfast.

"We will be meeting in the drawing room, Mr. Grell your mistress is requesting you." Grell sulked out as Sebastian turned to look at me, "Good morning, Alexandra."

"Morning, butler!" I gulped down the last of my breakfast, "On a scale of 1-10 how in trouble am I?"

"The young master requests that he have a talk with you tonight, to discuss your recent behavior."

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