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Azura's POV

"How do you have so much shit." I say as carry another box into Atlas and Raven house here in Norman, Oklahoma.

Atlas starts practice on Monday so we're moving him and Raven into their new home this weekend.

For the past 100 years the International Soulmate Council has had a law that if two soulmates go to the same college or university then they are allowed to live together off campus.

Since Atlas is gonna be in Norman for at least three years, he and Raven decided to buy a house so Atlas, Raven, myself, and Raven's parents bought the kids a house that they like here in Norman.

"I swear I didn't have this much in Miami." Atlas says.

"Fucking hell." I mumble as I set the last of Atlas' boxes in the house.

"Okay before we unpack I vote we get food." Raven's mom says. "All those in favor?"

"I." Everyone says in unison.

Once we all agree to get food, we google what fast food is around here then we decide to go get food from Five Guys."

"Come on." I say as I wrap an arm around Raven. "We'll get the food."

"Okay" Raven says as I look at her.

"Text us your order

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"Text us your order." I say then Raven and I get our wallets and phones before we leave the house, get in the car, and drive to Five Guys.

As we leave Atlas and Raven's neighborhood, Raven gets texted everyone's order.

"You wanna talk about what's on your mind?" I question.

"I...I like calling Atlas Master when we're playing." Raven says. "And sometimes I wanna say it in our daily lives, but..."

"But you know the history of the word and how it was used back when our ancestors we're slaves." I say.

"Yeah." Raven says. "I mean I know we're both black, but..."

"Sweetie your feelings are your feelings and they are always valid." I say.

"I know." Raven says

"And this is probably something you need to talk to Atlas about." I say. "And even though it'll be awkward at first you may even wanna talk to your Mom."

"Maybe we can talk about that next week."

Since school doesnt start for another three weeks, Raven's Mom is gonna stay for a week with Raven and Atlas to get them situated here in Norman.

"And one more thing." I say as I grab a tube of cream that I grabbed when I was grabbing my wallet and phone from Adelaide's purse.

"What?" Raven says.

"Here." I say as I hand Raven a tube of the Secrets sperm killer cream.

We gotta come up with a better name than that cream.

"What's this?" Raven asks as she takes it from me.

"It kills sperm." I say. "You spread it inside of your pussy before you have sex and it kills sperm for 24 hours."


"I love you and I love Atlas, but you two do not need babies right now." I say.

"No." Raven says with a smile. "No we do not."

- - - - -

"Before we say our goodbyes and everything I need to speak with you two in your bedroom." I whisper to Raven and Atlas. "Meet me there in five minutes."

Raven and Atlas nod then I sneak out of the living room.

Once out of the living room I head to Adelaide and I's room and grab something for my brother and future sister-in-law then I head to their room.

When I get to their room, I sit on the chair in their room and wait.

A minute later, Atlas and Raven walk in.

"Shut the door." I say then Atlas does.

"What's up?" Atlas asks as he and Raven sit across from me.

"This is for you two." I say as I hand the soon to be college students a small safe. "Put your hand the outline of the hand."

Atlas nods and does as told then the safe opens.

"A gun?" Raven asks.

"I know you're gonna have the best security system around for the house and this is a gated community, but you still need to be able to protect yourself should something happen." I say.

"Is it like your two pistols?" Atlas asks.

"Yep." I say.

My pistols have micro dermal sensors on the grip of the gun that only recognizes my palm print and Adelaide's palm print so only we can fire it.

If someone else tries to fire the pistols then the trigger locks and can't be pressed.

"I was wondering what that palm print thing was at the gun range." Raven says.

Over the last year my siblings and their ladies have taken gun safety classes in Miami so they all know how to use a gun properly.

"This is what it was for." I say then I let out a deep breath. "I hope you never have to use it, but I'd rather be safe then sorry."

"We get it." Atlas says.

I guess my siblings and I have gotten comfortable with having a gun in the house.

It's probably due to the fact our moms each carried a gun and would never shy away from the fact they were carrying.

They never threatened to use the guns on my siblings and I, but my moms would wear them on their bodies at all time.

Probably cause the neighborhood we lived in was insanely unsafe.

I nod then Atlas closes the safe and puts it in his bedside table.

After the gun is put up, I stand up and hug Atlas and Raven.

"If you two need anything do not hesitate to call." I say. "Even if it means I have to steal a plane I will get here whenever you call."

"We know" Raven says with a smile.

I hug Atlas and Raven for a minute or two longer, then we leave their room and head back to the living room.

"Well." I say as we walk into the living room. "Looks like it's time to go."

"Aww." Athena pouts then she, Nova, Kehlani, and Adelaide hug Atlas and Raven.

After Adelaide hugs Atlas and Raven, she comes over to me and wraps her arms around me.

"He's always gonna need his big sister." Adelaide says then she wipes a tear off my face.

"Yeah." I say. "Yeah I know."

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