Almost Done

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I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes.

I can hear everything, the chatters from students around me, the laughters-everything. I'm gonna miss this.

I'm graduating in a few months, and I can't wait to start and chase my dreams. I know what I want, everything is already planned.

I'm going to move out of my mom's house and live by myself while chasing my dream of becoming a professor. I'm confident that I will achieve that, my grades are good-they're actually great. I always make sure that I study hard, and it's all paying off. I've been the president of the student council for years now.

My life is all set, I just need to graduate, and that will be the start of my career.

Right now, I just need to find my friends and we can-

"What the heck!" I shrieked and opened my eyes.

I was met with the "badass" of our university, Y/N L/N. Someone I really hate because she's my rival when it comes to being the top student. That's not even the reason why I hate her. I mean, I can admit that I like competition. What I hate about her is that she's not even trying, she's not part of any club or organization at our university. She's lazy, she gets into detention, and she's always in the middle of trouble. Besides, she has the most annoying and loud motorcycle.

I suspect that someone is doing all her schoolwork, that's the only reason why she always gets high scores. Maybe she's threatening someone to do her schoolwork, she can be scary.

Not that I'm scared of her, because I'm not.

"What?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're in the middle of the hallway, it's your fault."

"A normal person would say excuse me, not bump them." I said, glaring at her.

She chuckled and crossed her arms, "A normal person would not daydream in the middle of the hallway where students are trying to get the fuck out of this place."

I groaned, "Just get out of my face, Y/N. I don't need your annoying self right now or any day of my life." I said, rolling my eyes.

She laughed while nodding her head, "Oh, I'll get out of your fucking way, Johansson. With fucking pleasure."

I just glared at her, watching her walk away from me.

She's so annoying!

No, just relax, Scarlett. Don't let her ruin your day.

I took a deep breath and smiled again, but this time I didn't daydream, I started walking.

My friends texted me, they're already waiting for me in the cafeteria. I made my way there and smiled even more when I saw them waving at me.

I waved back, smiling widely. I stopped walking when I felt my phone buzzing. I looked through my bag, trying to find my phone. Why do I even have a lot of things in here? Damn.

"Scarlett! Come here!" I heard my friends calling out for me.

I smiled at them and started walking while I continued to look for my phone. It's literally buzzing and I still can't find it! For the love of God. Ugh.

Suddenly, the cafeteria went quiet.

I stopped walking as I gasped.

With eyes widening, I looked up and saw her again.

You've got to be kidding me.

I looked down at my shirt and saw that I have coffee all over it. Did she just-

"Oh, shit." Y/N laughed, "I'm fucking sorry."

"You've got to be kidding me!" I said through gritted teeth. "Did you just spill iced coffee on my white shirt?!"

She looked down at her wasted iced coffee-like I freaking care if she wasted it! She spilled it on my shirt!

"Damn," She sighed, "My iced coffee... what a heartbreaking experience." She said, shaking her head. "But hey, you should be looking where you're going. You know, you're making it a hobby. You're not the only person walking around here."

Don't explode, Scarlett. Relax.

Don't explode-

"You freakin-"

I was cut off when I felt an arm around my shoulders, "Whoa, what's happening here, babe?"

Y/N scoffed at the presence of my boyfriend. Nothing new there, she hates our guts. For whatever reasons.

"She spilled her iced coffee on my shirt!" I said, not taking my eyes off her.

Y/N smirked, "Oh, is Prince Charming coming to the rescue?"

"What?" James scoffed, he stand in front of me and glared at Y/N. "Apologize to her, L/N." He said.

"Or what, douche?" Y/N raised an eyebrow, "It's her fault, she never looked where she was going. She's always in the middle of shit and fucking daydreaming. Tell your girlfriend that even though she's the president of the student council, she can't expect students to always just avoid her or wait for her to fucking stop daydreaming or shit. She should start paying attention to people around her," She looked at me and said, "This is real life, stop being the main character for once."

With that, she walked away.

James was about to go after her, but I stopped him.

"Don't, it's not worth it." I said while looking at Y/N, walking away from me once again.

Greatest What If • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now