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After talking some more with Dr. Brown, Scarlett's mother arrived to pick her up. She's currently in the car with her mom, and even that suffocates her.

Talking about Y/N after a month of nothing surely makes her feel like crying for hours, she just wants to stay in bed and just cry.

And it's not even Y/N's fault. As much as she wants to believe that it's Y/N's fault that she's like that, it's really not. It's everyone but Y/N.

"How was your session with Dr. Brown today?" Melanie asked.

(I don't know anything about Scarly's mother other than her name. Everything about her in this short story is PURELY FICTIONAL.)

"Fine, I guess." Scarlett answered, looking outside the window.

"Anything specific that you talked about?" Melanie asked, parking the car in her garage.

"No." Scarlett said and unbuckled herself.

"Scarlett Ingrid." Melanie spoke.

Scarlett immediately stopped moving.

"Look at me." Melanie said.

Scarlett looked at her mom.

"Are you lying?" Melanie asked.

"No." Scarlett answered without blinking. "Of course not, mom."

"Good," Melanie said, smiling. "I just want the best for you, honey."

"Sure, mom." Scarlett said. "Can I go now?"

"Yeah." Melanie said, smiling. "I'll call you when dinner's ready."

Scarlett just nodded her head and got out of the car. She gulped and bit her bottom lip as tears streamed down her face.

As soon as she's out of her mom's sight, she runs upstairs and into her room. She locked the door and ran towards her bed. She dropped herself on it and screamed into her pillow.

She screamed and screamed, until those screams turned into broken sobs.

"What is this?" Y/N asked, showing Scarlett the script they're working on.

They decided that they will perform a drama about two friends that are slowly losing their friendship because of adulting and their own careers.

It wasn't Y/N's first choice, she wanted to do comedy or even action. But Scarlett said it was ridiculous.

"What?" Scarlett looked at Y/N.

"My character needs to cry? You want me to cry?" Y/N asked. "We're gonna change this shit."

"Why not? It's perfect already!" Scarlett said, taking the paper from Y/N. "Besides, it's gonna earn us plus points because they're gonna see the "badass" Y/N crying for the first time." She added, smirking.

"Oh, so that's your plan? For everyone to see me cry?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "So mature of you, blondie."

"Whatever, Y/N. Just go with it." Scarlett said and rolled her eyes.

"Fuck no, we're changing it." Y/N said. "There's no way I'll fucking cry in front of people for a grade. I'd rather put myself in a torture and watch you and your boyfriend make out like two ugly fishes in an aquarium or something than cry." She added.

"Okay, rude." Scarlett said, "Why do you hate our guts, anyway? Are you jealous or something?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Or something, Johansson." Y/N said, rolling her eyes.

Scarlett laughed, seeing Y/N roll her eyes. She just finds it funny because she's usually the one who rolls her eyes when they're together.

"What's so funny?" Y/N asked.

"You rolled your eyes." Scarlett said, still laughing.

"I do roll my eyes, Scarlett." Y/N said, then she smirked. "Usually in the bedroom." She added.

Scarlett's eyes widened, "You're disgusting."

"Whatever." Y/N said, laughing. "We're gonna change the script. Ain't no way I'll fucking cry. And as fluttering it is that you think I'm a good actress like that, it's just a no. We'll changing it."

"We're not doing that." Scarlett said.

"Yes, we are. I already agreed that we would do drama, you know I wanted to do comedy or action." Y/N said.

"Fine!" Scarlett groaned, "Fine. We'll change it."

"Good." Y/N smirked.

"Whatever." Scarlett said.

Scarlett shook her head, forcing the memories of Y/N to go away.

She sat down and grabbed something underneath her pillows.

It's a small envelope with a letter inside. It's from Y/N. She got that letter on their graduation day, and it was Y/N's best friends who gave the letter to her.

Their graduation day... the last time she saw Y/N.

She's scared to see what's inside, she's not strong enough to read what is says and go on with her life.

She wants to throw it away, maybe even burn it. But she just can't, she could never. It's the only thing that she has left of Y/N.

And she knows that she will never move on from her.


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