My Greatest Decision

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"Thank you." Scarlett said, smiling.

"We got you, girl." Brie said, smiling.

"We're proud of you, Scar." Elizabeth said, getting emotional.

"You deserve to be happy." Cobie said, smiling. "Take care, okay? And call us."

"I will." Scarlett said, smiling. Then she hugged her best friends before getting out of the car, she waved at them as they drove away.

She took a deep breath and turned around, looking at Y/N's house. She bit her lip, smiling. She walked toward the door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened.

Scarlett smiles, "Hi."

"Hello, Scarlett." Chadwick smiles. "Y/N?! Someone's here to see you!" He said.

Scarlett smiles, her heart beating so fast.

"Tell them I'm busy, I'm training for the Olympics!" Y/N said.

Scarlett bit her lip, giggling. She shook her head, how much she missed Y/N.

"Just come in." Chadwick said, chuckling. "She's in the living room."

Scarlett nodded her head and walked inside the house, she didn't waste any time and just walked towards the living room.

"Y/N." Scarlett spoke.

There was a gasp before Y/N turned around. "Scarlett?"

"Yeah, baby." Scarlett said, smiling widely. "So, what are you doing just standing there? I thought you're gonna annoy me forever?"

"Sunshine!" Y/N finally smiled and hugged Scarlett. "I missed you."

Scarlett sighed and hugged Y/N, "I missed you, too. So much."

Y/N pulled away and cupped Scarlett's cheeks, "Does this mean... you're running away with me?" She asked. "We can't really stay here if we want to be together."

"I'll go anywhere, as long as I'm with you." Scarlett said, "I love you. I don't care about what will happen later, today, or tomorrow. We will figure it out, together."

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked. "I don't want you to regret anything or something."

"Or something, baby." Scarlett said, smiling. "I will never regret choosing you. You make me happy. I'm choosing my happiness. I don't want to spend my life wondering about what could have been. And I don't want to be miserable anymore. I want this. I want us. And I don't want you to be just my greatest what if, I want you to be my greatest decision in life."

"You're so fucking cheesy and I love it." Y/N said, "I love you." She said and pulled Scarlett in a kiss.

Scarlett smiles into the kiss and says, "I love you. But we need to go."

Y/N nodded her head and she pulled away. "Let me get my things." She said and immediately went to her room.

Scarlett smiles. She heard something from the kitchen, and she remembered Y/N's older brother.

She walk towards the kitchen, "Hey."

Chadwick looked at Scarlett, he smiled. "Hey."

"Did you know about Y/N's plan?" Scarlett asked.

Chadwick nodded his head. "Yeah."

"And you're okay with it?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah, whatever makes her happy. My sister deserves all the happiness in this life. I will always support her." Chadwick said, "She's a great person, please take care of her. I'm giving that opportunity to you now, be with her. She's the greatest thing that will happen in your life. Me and my parents are lucky to have her in our lives."

Scarlett hugged Chadwick, "Don't worry, I'll take care of her. I'll love her forever." She said.

Chadwick smiles and hugged Scarlett back, "Thank you."

Scarlett pulled away and smiled.

"I'm ready." Y/N said as she approached Scarlett and Chadwick.

"You can take my car." Chadwick said, "I'll take care of your motorcycle."

"Okay, thank you, brother." Y/N said.

"Be nice, okay?" Chadwick said.

"Of course." Y/N said. She hugged her older brother, and she couldn't help her tears when Chadwick hugged her back. "Thank you for everything, Chadwick. You're my hero." She whispered.

"I love you." Chadwick said and kissed Y/N's head. "I'm always with you. Never forget that." He said.

(We miss you, Chadwick🥺 our T'Challa.)

"I love you." Y/N said as she pulled away. "I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

Chadwick smiles, wiping Y/N's tears. "You better."

Y/N nodded her head, then she held Scarlett's hand. "Bye, Chadwick." She said.

"Goodbye, Y/N." Chadwick said, smiling.

Scarlett smiled at Chadwick before they walked away.

Y/N grabbed Chadwick's car keys and walked out of the house, she squeezed Scarlett's hand and gave her a smile. "Let's go?"

"Let's go." Scarlett said.

They walked towards the car and put their bags on the backseat before they got inside. They buckled up and took a deep breath.

"Are you ready?" Y/N asked.

Scarlett kissed Y/N's cheek, "As long as I'm with you, I'm ready for anything."

Y/N smiles and nods her head. Then she brought the car to life and drove off.

Scarlett took a deep breath, and she held Y/N's hand. Finally, she's happy. This is the start of a new and beautiful chapter in her life, with Y/N. The uni's "badass", but has the most beautiful heart. Someone she thought she hated, but she ended up loving her instead.

Y/N taught her how to enjoy life, how to be happy, and have courage. And as she looks at Y/N next to her, she knows she can face anything, as long as the girl with the beautiful heart will be there with her.

As long as her greatest decision in life will continue to hold her hand and be with her through countless sunrise and sunset, Scarlett knows everything will be fine.

Greatest What If • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now