Changed Her Life Forever

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"Are you getting better? Is Dr. Brown curing you?" Melanie asked.

After her session with Dr. Brown, Scarlett's mom picked her up as usual. She can't even drive her own car.

Curing me. What the actual fuck. Scarlett thought.

"I guess." Scarlett answered.

Dinner with her mom is always a torture, she can literally feel like something is choking her. Food's always great, but she can't bring herself to actually eat and enjoy them. She's always suffocating when her mom is around.

Well, it's been a month of suffocating for her.

"My birthday is coming up and you should be excited because James and his parents are coming over to celebrate with us, isn't that amazing?" Melanie smiles. "I know you two broke up, well, you broke up with him. But I am hoping that this will be an opportunity for you to apologize to him and take him back."

Scarlett looked at her mom. "Why don't you just fucking date James yourself?! I'm so fucking tired of this shit!"

But of course, she didn't say that. It will be the end of everything if she did.

Instead, she smiled a little. "Whatever you want, mother. Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm tired." She said and stood up.

"Okay, make sure to wake up early tomorrow. Since my birthday is in two days, I told Dr. Brown to just come over tomorrow for your session 'cause I'm also thinking about going on a small vacation with James and his parents. Just us, family. Oh, and I decided that Dr. Brown should just come over because I'll be busy tomorrow and I won't be able to pick you up." Melanie said.

Scarlett took a deep breath and just nodded her head.

As soon as she made it to her room, she locked her door and walked towards her bed.

Her mom is a load of shit.

She sighed and lay down. She closed her eyes as she remember something. Her break up with James.

Scarlett phone buzzed, she looked at it under the table and saw a message from Y/N.

They became closer after their heart to heart conversation. They always hang out, and Scarlett is always coming over at Y/N's place. They can't really go to Scarlett's house because her mom would never approve of their friendship. Y/N is an out lesbian and she's got a reputation of being a troublemaker, Scarlett knows her mom will order her to stop being friends with Y/N. And she doesn't want that to happen because...

Well, because Scarlett Johansson is falling in love with Y/N. And as much as she wants to act on her feelings for the girl, she just can't.

Scarlett unlocked her phone.

From: Y/N<3

Hello, sunshine. I'm outside your house, come see me. <3

Scarlett's eyes widened. She immediately locked her phone and stood up.

"Where are you going, babe?" James asked.

"Bathroom." Scarlett said, and quickly walked away.

The blonde girl silently made her way outside and saw Y/N, casually sitting on her motorcycle.

"Hey, sunshine." Y/N greeted, smiling widely.

"Don't hey, sunshine, me! What're you doing here? You know my mom cannot see you here!" Scarlett said.

"Relax, I just dropped by to see you for a minute because I was dying of boredom. And I just... really want to see you, Scar." Y/N said, smiling.

Scarlett giggled. "You're so stupid."

"Eh, you like me." Y/N shrugged.

Before Scarlett can say anything, they heard a voice.

"Babe? What's going on here? Why is she here?" James asked, walking towards Scarlett and Y/N.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Why are you here?"

"I'm Scarlett's boyfriend which means I'm actually allowed to see her whenever I fucking want. Go inside, Scarlett. I got this." James said.

"You got, what? The worst hairstyle in the world? Yeah, you do." Y/N said, smiling innocently.

"James, stop. She's just saying hi." Scarlett said.

"No, she's not! What she's doing is passing her disease onto you! She's a fucking dyke!" James shouted.

"You fucking assh-" Y/N's eyes widened as she stopped whatever she was saying because Scarlett was quick to slap James.

"You're fucking disgusting, James! Y/N is my friend and she's actually an amazing person! So don't you dare speak of her like that!" Scarlett said, and she pushed him away. "We're fucking done, James. I don't care what my mom says! I'm fucking done with you!"

Y/N was grinning like an idiot.

Scarlett turned around, "Stop smiling. Let's go."

"You're coming with me? Right now?" Y/N asked.

"Yes." Scarlett said, smiling.

Scarlett looked up at the ceiling. What happened after that... changed her life forever.

She just wished she'd have the courage again to stand up for herself and finally be happy.

Be happy with someone who makes her happy.

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