First Kiss & I Love You

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"Did she left already?" Scarlett asked.

Dr. Brown nodded her head. "She did. So, you can talk freely." She said, smiling.

"I have this... thing that I want to talk about today." Scarlett said.

"That's great! What is it about?" Dr. Brown asked.

Scarlett smiles, "My first kiss with Y/N."



"Hey, are you sure about this?" Y/N asked.

After breaking up with James and coming with Y/N, Scarlett's phone has been ringing like crazy. It's calls after calls, messages after messages. And it's all from her mom. So, she decided to turn off her phone.

"I'm already wearing your clothes, Y/N." Scarlett said, raising an eyebrow. She didn't want to come home tonight, so she asked Y/N if she could spend the night. And of course, Y/N said yes.

Y/N chuckled, "I know. I'm just making sure."

Scarlett smiles, "I'm sure."

"Well, do you want to talk about what happened?" Y/N asked.

"Not really, I'm actually fucking happy that I broke up with James." Scarlett said. "I just want to rest."

"Okay, well, you can take my bed. I'll sleep-"

"We can share your bed. It's big enough." Scarlett said.

"Um," Y/N gulped. "Are you sure?"

Scarlett smirk, "Why? Are you shy or something?"

"Or something." Y/N said, and chuckled.

"Whatever, Y/N. Come on, let's sleep!" Scarlett said, smiling.

Y/N smiles and turned off the lights before joining Scarlett to the bed. "Good night, Scarlett."

"Hey, Y/N?" Scarlett laid on her side, facing Y/N.

Y/N did the same, "Yeah?"

They can still see each other.

"I'm sorry for what James said." Scarlett said.

"You shouldn't apologize for him." Y/N said and look between Scarlett's eyes. They look even more beautiful up close.

"Okay," Scarlett smiles. "Then... thank you. Thank you for having my back and for tonight." She said.

Y/N took a deep breath and slowly lifted her hand, then she caress Scarlett's cheek.

Scarlett's breath hitched, and she gulped at the feeling of Y/N's warmth.

"Can I confess something?" Y/N asked.

Scarlett's heart starts beating fast. "Anything."

"I... um," Y/N looked at Scarlett's lips and she bit her bottom lip, then she looked back into Scarlett's eyes. "I love you."

Scarlett bit her bottom lip, smiling.

"Do you like... really hate me now or something?" Y/N asked.

"Or something, babe." Scarlett whispered. "Because I love you, too."

Y/N's heart jumped. She didn't say anything, she just moved closer and pulled Scarlett by the back of her neck, and she kisses the blonde girl softly and passionately.



"And I kissed her back." Scarlett said, smiling. "It was perfect. Y/N was perfect."

But then, Scarlett's smile fades away.

"Why? What happened?" Dr. Brown asked.

"We kissed and kissed, nothing else happened but it was perfect." Scarlett said, "But... b-before we can actually sleep, my mom found me."



"Good night, sunshine." Y/N whispered.

"Good night, baby." Scarlett whispered back.

But before they can even close close their eyes. There was a loud knock downstairs and they looked at each other, frowning.

They both got up and walked out of the room only to see Chadwick doing the same.

"What was that?" Y/N asked.

"I don't know, stay in your room." Chadwick said.

"What? No! I'm coming with you!" Y/N said and she looked at Scarlett, "Stay in my room."

"No, I'm coming too." Scarlett said.

Y/N looked at her brother, "We're coming with you."

"Just stay behind me." Chadwick said.

Y/N and Scarlett nodded their heads.

They all made their way downstairs, and Chadwick opened the door.

"Mom?!" Scarlett gasped. "How did you find me?" She asked.

"I have my ways, young lady." Melanie said, and she glared at Y/N. "Is this her? James told me what happened, and I am so disappointed in you!"

"I don't know who you are, but you can't just barge in my house and start shouting." Chadwick said, hiding Y/N and Scarlett behind him.

Melanie ignored Chadwick and looked at Scarlett, "You're smart enough to know what I'm capable of doing, Scarlett. If you care about these people, then I suggest you come with me and never see your... friend again."

"Her name is Y/N and she's my girlfriend!" Scarlett said, holding Y/N's hand.

Y/N looked at Scarlett and she grins, "I'm your girlfriend?" She whispered.

"Yes, but not now." Scarlett whispered back, smiling at the way Y/N was grinning.

"Right." Y/N nodded her head and glared at Scarlett's mom. "You heard her, we're together. And she's not coming with you."

"Yes, she is." Melanie said, and she grabbed Scarlett's arm. "She will!"

"Stop! You're hurting me!" Scarlett shouted.

"Hey! Let go of her!" Y/N shouted while trying to pull Scarlett away from her mother.

"Lady, you're hurting your kid!" Chadwick said.

"Scarlett Ingrid! If you don't do what I say, I will make sure that these people will suffer forever! You know what I can do to make their lives miserable!" Melanie said, "If you come with me and obey me, I promise that I will leave them alone."

"Okay! Okay!" Scarlett said.

"What? No!" Y/N said. "No!"

Scarlett looked at Y/N, and she started crying. "I'm so sorry, but I-I don't want you and your brother to suffer because of me." She said and rests her forehead against Y/N's. "I love you."

"Don't..." Y/N cried. "You can't."

"I'll find you again." Scarlett whispered.

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