More Memories

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"How have you been, Scarlett?" Dr. Brown asked, smiling.

"Still the same," Scarlett said, and shrugged. "Still the fucking same. I just want this to be over with so that I can actually do something with my life. But I can't do anything until I'm fucking cured."

"I understand your frustration." Dr. Brown said.

Scarlett sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, it's just that my mom is, well, she's herself." She said.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize." Dr. Brown said, smiling. "So, are you ready to pick up where we left off?" She asked.

Scarlett took a deep breath. "More memories with her?" She asked.

"Yes, Scarlett." Dr. Brown said, smiling a little. "I'm so sorry, but it has to be done, we need to talk about her because she's your trauma. And in order for us to break through that, I need to know what really happened so that I'll have an idea what it's doing to you right now."

"Yeah, I-I understand." Scarlett said, "But Y/N's not my trauma, Dr. Brown. She's everything but that." She added, smiling a little.

Dr. Brown smiles, "I understand. I'm sorry for calling her that."

Scarlett took a deep breath. "Yeah, me too."

"Can you be serious for once?" Scarlett stopped writing and looked at Y/N who was busy laughing at her phone. "Help me out here, would you? Why did we even meet up if I just end up doing all of this?"

"Relax, sunshine-"

"Don't freaking call me that!" Scarlett shouted. She's extremely frustrated with what's happening at her house, and Y/N's behavior is not helping her at all.

"Whoa, calm down, Johansson." Y/N said, locking her phone.

"You're just so annoying! Do you know that? You're the perfect definition of someone's trauma!" Scarlett shouted and threw her pen away.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Y/N whispered and took a deep breath to calm herself down. She's so fucking glad that they occupied an empty classroom and no one is around to witness this mess.

Y/N stood up and opened her bag, she fished out tons of papers and bent down to grab Scarlett's pen. Then she closed her bag and walked towards Scarlett.

"Here, I already finished my part, that's why I was on my phone." Y/N said and placed the thick papers on the table and Scarlett's pen on top of them. "I just came here to give you moral support, but I see that I just annoy you so much. So, I'll just go. See you around, Scarlett."

"What do you mean?" Ms. Brown asked.

"I... I told her that she's a perfect definition of someone's trauma." Scarlett said, looking down.

"Did you mean it?" Dr. Brown asked.

Scarlett shook her head. "No."

"Okay, then what happened?" Dr. Brown asked.

"Well, I..." Scarlett took a deep breath. "I went to her house."

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