All Because Of Her

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"So, she always bothered you?" Dr. Brown asked after Scarlett told her some stories.

Scarlett chuckled weakly, "Always. But um... I guess that was also what I did to her. We just kind of bothered each other. It was annoying, really."

"Did it really just annoyed you?" Dr. Brown asked.

Scarlett looked at Dr. Brown, "Yeah."

Dr. Brown smiled, "I see. Tell me more."

Scarlett bit her bottom lip, "Are you... gonna tell my mom about any of this?" She asked.

Dr. Brown shook her head, "No. Whatever we're talking about here, will stay here." She said.

"Are you telling the truth, Dr. Brown? I mean, I know there's this patient confidentiality. But I also know my mom." Scarlett said.

Dr. Brown smiles, "You can trust me, Scarlett. I promise that I won't tell a soul about this. You're safe here."

Scarlett took a deep breath, "Okay."

Dr. Brown smiled and nodded her head, "Go on. Tell me more." She said.

"Well, she's-Y/N..." Scarlett bit her bottom lip, saying Y/N's name out loud after not saying it for a month was... heartbreaking.

"Is that her name?" Dr. Brown asked.

Scarlett nodded her head and she smiled a little. "Yeah. Y/N L/N."

Dr. Brown smiled, "Okay. Go on, Scarlett." She said.

"Y/N... ruined my life." Scarlett said, shaking her head. "She's annoying, always getting into trouble, and she... ruined my life."

"How so?" Dr. Brown asked.

Scarlett took a deep breath. "I'm here. Talking to a therapist. Going home to my mom's house. I should have my own place by now, chasing my dreams but no. And it's all because of her." She said.

"Do you really think that she ruined your life?" Dr. Brown asked.

Scarlett didn't say anything. She looked down and shook her head. "No."

"So, what do you think she did with your life?" Dr. Brown asked.

Scarlett gulped. Then she looked at Dr. Brown, she chuckled. "Annoyed the fuck out of it."

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