Y/N's Past & Scarlett's Truth

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TW⚠️ mention of abuse (including sexual abuse) and death.



"I think we're gonna have the perfect score." Y/N said, smiling.

The two of them decided to celebrate their performance by eating ice cream at the park, it was Y/N's idea and Scarlett didn't hesitate to come alone. She even ditched James.

"Oh, I don't just think, because I know we will have the perfect score." Scarlett said, smiling so wide. "Dialogues? Perfect! The way we delivered everything? Babe, we could've won an Oscar!"

Y/N smiles widely, "Hold on. What did you just call me?" She asked.

"I didn't call you anything." Scarlett said, denying it.

"I think you just called me babe." Y/N said.

"Shut up!" Scarlett said, blushing.

Y/N laughed, "I really don't want to. I'm gonna remind you of that for the rest of your life." She said.

"Now, you're just being annoying on purpose." Scarlett said, rolling her eyes. She finished her ice cream and looked at the sunset.

Y/N just chuckled and looked at the sunset as well.

"Hey, thank you." Scarlett whispered.

Y/N looked at Scarlett, "For what?"

Scarlett looked at Y/N. For a lot of things, for making me feel... alive. She thought.

"For today. And for working hard." Scarlett said, smiling.

"You're welcome, Scarlett. Thank you for not killing me in those two weeks." Y/N said, grinning.

Scarlett laughed, "You're very welcome."

The two fell into a comfortable silence as they watched the sun slowly set.

"Here." Y/N said and took off her blazer, then she wrapped it around Scarlett. "It's getting a bit cold."

"Thanks." Scarlett said, smiling. She wore the blazer properly and sighed, she can smell Y/N's scent and it's relaxing her. "Hey, have you ever thought about how weird this is? I mean, we're so different from each other but... I think we kinda complement one another. Like a perfect balance."

Y/N smiles, "I guess. Yeah, a perfect balance. You know, I always wanted to be your friend. But it was clear that you didn't want anything to do with me. And I understand that, you're the president of the student council, and I could be a troublemaker most of the time. Besides, I'm not exactly the type of person you can approach without getting scared." She said and chuckled.

"Yeah, about that. Why? I mean, I still have a lot to learn about you but I know you're not that bad. So, why are you getting into trouble?" Scarlett asked.

"I hate most people." Y/N said. "And... I have this anger inside me. And sometimes I can't control my emotions especially when people are being... rude. I don't know."

Scarlett frowned, thinking about the times that Y/N got into trouble. The ones that got physical. "Yeah. Hold on, now that I think about it... you only fight with... assholes."

"Oh, look at you, saying a bad word." Y/N said, chuckling.

"I'm serious." Scarlett said.

Y/N sighed. "Yeah, just with assholes. You don't see me bullying anyone, did you? I bully the bullies and I know it makes me like them, but, I don't give a shit."

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