Thank You!<3

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I guess that's the 13th story being completed! Bestie Taytay would be proud🥲

Anyways, thank you all for reading and supporting this and all my other books❤️

I decided to write something for Christmas, and obviously it's not Christmas-themed. I just wanted to give you something for this day. This is for those of you who are not feeling the Christmas spirit this year, someone who is going through something, someone who's trying to survive, someone who doesn't have anyone to celebrate with, someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas at all. And to those that celebrate Christmas, someone who's with their families and someone who's celebrating alone. In short, this is for everyone. This is for you. A little gift from me. And I hope this made you smile even a little bit.

Merry Christmas, loves. Love you all, always remember that I'm here for you🫂 you're amazing, and you matter. Always remember that!❤️❤️❤️

Until next time, loves❤️

- jennie xo

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