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"Why are you glaring at your food?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Because I can, Nora."

"Hey! It's Awkwafina, okay? How many times do I have to remind you? I'm seriously gonna smack the shit out of you." Awkwafina said, threatening to hit Y/N's head.

"Dude, give her a break," Simu said, laughing. "I heard she got paired up with Scarlett for a project."

"Oh, shiiitt!" Awkwafina laughed. "For real?"

Simu nodded his head, laughing. "Fuck yeah, and they need to work on it for two weeks!"

Y/N raised an eyebrow while tilting her head, and she watched as her best friends teased the life out of her.

"Scarlett and Y/N... alone together for two weeks? Man, can I come along? I wanna see some action!" Simu said, laughing with Awkwafina.

"Maybe some... girl on girl action?" Awkwafina said and laughed so loud.

Y/N didn't even care that everyone in the cafeteria turned to look at them. She just rolled her eyes and hit the back of their heads.

"Hey! That hurts!" Simu whined, rubbing where he got hit.

Awkwafina hit Y/N back, "Don't fucking smack my head, dude! I'm still hoping to get smart, don't be doing shit that can jeopardize that!" She said.

Y/N chuckled, "Stupid. You two shut up already, I don't want to hear any of that shit."

Just then, Y/N felt a presence behind her.

"Y/N." It was Scarlett.

"Speaking of the devil..." Awkwafina whispered.

Y/N kicked Awkwafina under the table, and the girl winced in pain.

Simu put a whole bread in his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

"I hope you fucking choke to death for laughing, Liu." Awkwafina said.

"What do you want, Ms. President? Miss me already?" Y/N raised an eyebrow as she looked behind her.

Scarlett rolled her eyes, "You wish. We need to talk about the project." She said.

"Already? You're so desperate for my attention, it's adorable." Y/N said, smirking.

"Shut up, L/N." James said, glaring at Y/N.

"You shut up, your hair looks like a fucking mop that's been soaked in pee." Awkwafina said.

Simu choked on his bread, laughing.

"Oh, shit!" Y/N said, laughing. She patted Simu's back while giving Awkwafina a high five with her other hand.


"Finish that sentence and we'll see." Y/N said, as she stood up, getting to the same level as James.

"Just stop," Scarlett said, stopping the two before it gets worse. Then she looked at Y/N, "Can you just talk to me like an adult?"

"Only if your pet isn't around." Y/N said, still looking at James.

"Take that back, L/N." James threatened, clenching his jaw.

"Or what?" Y/N smirked.

"Just stop!" Scarlett said, shaking her head. She looked at Y/N. "I just want to start the project for God's sake! The sooner we work on it, the sooner we finish it. And after that, we won't have to talk to each other again. And I think I speak for both of us when I say that's what we want." She said.

"Agreed." Y/N said, looking at Scarlett. "Meet me after class."

"At the library, that's where-"

Y/N interrupted Scarlett, "Oh, fuck no, Scarlett. Just meet me after class." She said.

"Fine!" Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Fine."

"Good." Y/N smirked.

"Whatever." Scarlett said. "And don't expect me to ride with you on your motorcycle."

"Whatever you want, Johansson." Y/N said, smirking.

Scarlett just rolled her eyes and walked away, pulling James with her.

Y/N sat back down. "Fuck me."

"No, thanks." Awkwafina and Simu said.

Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "Motherfuckers."

Greatest What If • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now