Start of Something

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"How did that made you feel?" Dr. Brown asked.

"When I got paired up with her?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah." Dr. Brown said, nodding her head.

"I don't know," Scarlett said, shaking her head. "I just... I really don't know."

"Did you hate it? Made you feel bad or something?" Dr. Brown asked.

"Honestly... it didn't made me feel anything." Scarlett said.

"Hm," Dr. Brown hummed, "Maybe that's why you don't know how it made you feel. You usually say that she annoys you, but you didn't feel that for the first time. Maybe deep down you know that out of all your classmates, she was the perfect partner for you."

"W-Why would I think that? I hated her." Scarlett said.

Dr. Brown smiles, "Because she's smart and your grades are important to you. You did say that she's also a top student, so, maybe deep down you think that she can really help you with your grade for this project."

Scarlett didn't say anything and just looked down at her ring.

"Or maybe there's something more?" Dr. Brown asked, smiling. "Something that you didn't realize back then." She added.

Scarlett's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Maybe unknown to you-or to the both of you... that little project was the start of something new." Dr. Brown said.

Scarlett clenched her jaw. "Maybe."

Greatest What If • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now