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"You're extra happy today." Elizabeth said, chuckling.

Scarlett grin, "Why, of course! We're graduating in a few months!"

"You really can't wait to get out of your mom's place, huh?" Cobie chuckled. "For what it's worth, we cannot wait as well."

"Yeah," Brie said, "Your mom is an asshole."

"She is." Scarlett sighed, "And I really can't wait to get out of her house and just live my life."

Before her friends can say anything, their professor walked in.

"Hello, students! I know all of you are-" She was cut off when the door opened.

They all looked at the door and saw Y/N.

"Nice of you to join us, L/N." Ms. Tomes said.

Y/N smiles, "I am happy to bless you all with my presence." She said.

The students, except Scarlett, all laughed.

Ms. Tomes shook her head, "Just sit down, Y/N." She's not tolerating Y/N's behavior, she knows Y/N is a smart student, and she even dare say, kind. The girl just handles things differently.

"Gladly, Ms. Tomes." Y/N said, smiling.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. She clenched her jaw while trying not to look at Y/N as the girl walked past her. There's only one spot available, and it's behind her.

Y/N sat down, looking at the back of Scarlett's head. She chuckled to herself, she could just see the smoke coming out of Scarlett's head.

"Okay! So, as I was saying, I know all of you are excited to graduate and to finally get out of here!" Ms. Tomes continues what she was saying, "And I am excited for you all as well, but you know the drill. Each semester, we have a major project. And this semester, I'm going to pair you up, and you can choose what you want to do with your partner-it can be a song, a dance, drama, poetry, anything really. I want you all to come up with something that will benefit the two of you. I'll give you two weeks." She said, smiling.

Y/N raised a hand.

"Yes, Y/N?" Ms. Tomes looked at Y/N.

"Can I work alone, Ms. Tomes?" Y/N asked.

"No, Y/N." Ms. Tomes said. "It's a project for two people and the outcome of your work will be your final grade. You and your partner will have the same grade."

Y/N didn't say anything and just leaned back on her seat while crossing her arms. She hates working with people, she would rather do the work alone.

"Okay, let me see my list." Ms. Tomes said and grabbed her notepad. "Okay, first, we have Scarlett Johansson with..."

Scarlett smiles widely, waiting for Ms. Tomes to announce who her partner will be.

"With Y/N L/N." Ms. Tomes said, smiling widely.

Scarlett's breath hitched and her eyes widened.

"Oh, fucking hell." Y/N mumbled.

"M-Ms. Tomes? Can you pair me up with someone else? Anyone who's not... Y/N?" Scarlett spoke.

Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, but this list is final. You and Y/N will be partners for this project." Ms. Tomes said, smiling apologetically.

Scarlett just nodded her head and blocked everything after that.

I'm paired up with blondie, this should be interesting. Y/N thought while shaking her head.

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