For Y/N

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"So, I did what my mom wanted." Scarlett said. "I never saw Y/N again, I wasn't allowed to go to uni, until graduation day."

"Did you see her that day?" Dr. Brown asked.

"It was hard not to, she always stood out in the crowd. And... I just wanted to kiss her after not seeing her for at least two weeks. But of course, I couldn't because my mom was there." Scarlett said.

"Did she saw you?" Dr. Brown asked.

"Yeah, it was also hard not to because I was the valedictorian and I had to give a speech." Scarlett said.

Dr. Brown smiles, "I understand. Did you two had the chance to talk?" She asked.

"No." Scarlett said, "Y/N wanted to approach me when she saw me, but I shook my head no. I know my mom, if she saw us talking, she'll lose her shit. And I don't want that to happen because she... she can really ruin Y/N's life. She's powerful enough to do that."

"You never saw her again after that day? No contact?" Dr. Brown asked.

"Yeah, nothing. The next day, my mom told me that I'm not allowed to do anything until I'm fucking cured, until I'm fucking straight again. She told me I need to see a therapist. She took my phone, my keys, everything." Scarlett said.

"That's not how it works, no one can ever cure something like that because there's nothing to cure in the first place. I'm so sorry that you're going through this, I tried to understand why your mom is eager for me to talk to you, when I see there's nothing wrong with you. You're hurt, that's clear. But I don't think I can help you heal, only you can. You're obviously holding back, maybe there's still something you can do before we can really start the healing process. I can help with that, only with the process and guidance, but it's up to you what you decide to do. As long as you're holding back, there's nothing much left for us to do." Dr. Brown said.

Scarlett sighed, and she remembered Y/N's letter.

"You deserve to be happy, Scarlett. We all do. And believe it or not, for us to really be happy, it's in our own hands. No one should control our lives and emotions other than ourselves." Dr. Brown said.

"You know... Y/N wrote a letter for me. Her best friends sneakily gave it to me on graduation day." Scarlett said. "I... never opened it."

"Maybe you can start there," Dr. Brown said, "You just need to see what's written inside, then you will know what to do. Maybe that letter will be the start of something."

"I don't know." Scarlett looked at Dr. Brown, "What if... what if I don't want to heal? What if I just want to feel like this?"

"Why?" Dr. Brown asked.

"Because... it's for her, for Y/N. It's for the girl that I loved and still love, the girl I can't let go. I don't think I can ever let her go." Scarlett said.

Dr. Brown smiles, "It doesn't have to be like that. Just read the letter and you'll know. You're smart, Scarlett." She said.

Before Scarlett can say anything, Dr. Brown's phone rings.

"I'm sorry, can you give me a minute? I need to take this." Dr. Brown said, "It's the office."

"Take your time." Scarlett said.

Dr. Brown smiles and stood up.

Scarlett sighed.

"Fuck it." She mumbled and stood up. She ran upstairs and into her room.

Greatest What If • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now