The Letter

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Scarlett took a deep breath before unfolding the paper.

Dear Scarlett,

Hello, sunshine. I never had the chance to tell you why I always call you sunshine, I think this is the right time. So, baby, I call you sunshine because you bring happiness and light into every situation. I meant it when I told you before that I always wanted to be your friend, I always look at you, Scarlett. Your smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I just want to stare at it all day. That sparkling green eyes of yours always melt my heart, I think I always liked you. Even though you annoyed me as well. But I don't know, everything about you reminds me of the sunshine. You are warm, you are kind, you are beautiful and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, watching the sun come up every morning and setting every night by your side.

Having you by my side is all I want. I love you, and I am gonna wait for you. No matter what it takes or how long it takes. You said you will find me again, I am still holding on to hope. I don't care about your mom or what she said, you're all I care about. Find me again, Scarlett. Find me again and I promise you that we can get out of this place, away from your mom. Just you and me together far away from this place. I can start my own business while you work on your career as an actress, it doesn't matter to me what we do as long as we are together. I just want to make you happy. So, please, find me again.

Always love,

P.S. If you come with me, I promise to annoy you forever. I love you.

Scarlett wiped her tears.

Dr. Brown is right, reading Y/N's letter will be the start of something.

And she definitely knows what to do.


Dr. Brown came back inside, she was about to call Scarlett but she found a note.

You asked me before what, or who, is my greatest what if. I said it's Y/N. And she will forever be my greatest what if, if I don't do something about it. I am just tired of being my mom's pet, I want to be happy. And that can only happen if I'm with her. If I'm with the love of my life.

And you were right, Y/N's letter will be the start of something. I'm glad I finally read it. Thank you for everything, Dr. Brown.

Now, I need to do this on my own. I need to be with her.

- Scarlett

P.S. You can show this to my mom, I don't care anymore. I'm gonna leave with Y/N, and she will never see me again. You know what, if you are reading this mom, go fuck yourself!

Dr. Brown chuckled, shaking her head. "Go and be happy, kid."

Greatest What If • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now