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"God, this is amazing." Y/N whispered while watching the movie. She's currently surrounded by people because movie theater is packed with lots of people.

Scarlett smiles and looked at Y/N, "Yeah?"

"Are you kidding? This is fantastic! I can't even look at you right now because I don't want to miss any scenes." Y/N said.

Scarlett just giggled and let her wife watch Black Widow, her recent movie.

A lot has happened in ten years. Y/N and her worked really hard for their careers, it was difficult considering Melanie didn't stop looking for her. She was lucky enough that she got reunited with her father and her siblings, they helped her with everything. That gave her the chance to focus on her career, it was tough because of the industry itself, and there's many times that she almost gave up on her dream. But every time that happened, Y/N was there. Comforting her, telling her that it's going to be okay, and just being with her. She's forever grateful for Y/N, even though her wife was having difficulty with her own career, she never let Scarlett handle things alone.

And because of their hard work, they slowly achieved their dreams. Y/N managed to build her own company after years and years of hard work. Scarlett became an actress, and she was even the world's highest-paid actress in 2018 and 2019. And they all achieved that together.

They got married three years ago, and it was the best day of their lives. Their loved ones were there, and they couldn't be happier to take their vows in front of them. Dr. Brown was there as well, and she is now a mother of two children. Scarlett was glad to see Dr. Brown again that day.

Scarlett smiles when her wife holds her hand, kissing the back of it before resting them in her lap. Her eyes landed on her tattoo-her sunrise tattoo. She got that tattoo two months later, when she and Y/N ran away. It's about Y/N. Y/N symbolizes the sunrise for Scarlett, a new beginning, a new start, and another day to celebrate and hope for a second chance in life. Y/N gave her just that-a new beginning and a second chance in life. And Y/N filled her life with love and happiness, something that Scarlett would never get tired of.

Scarlett looked at her wife, and she smiles. She leaned in and kissed her cheek, "I love you, baby. I love you so much." She whispered.

Y/N looked at Scarlett, "I love you more, sunshine. Everything okay, my love?" She asked because she can see that Scarlett's eyes are teary.

Scarlett smiles, "Everything's perfect. I'm just so happy. Thank you for everything, Y/N. I couldn't have done any of this without you. Falling in love with you and choosing you is the greatest decision I've ever made."

Y/N smiles and kissed Scarlett's lips. "Thank you for finding me again that day, Scar. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to live my life with you." She said.

"I love you." Scarlett whispered.

"I love you, too." Y/N whispered back. "My love, this is nice and all, but um, are you gonna be mad if I watch again or something?"

Scarlett smiles, "Or something, baby. Go on, you can watch again."

Y/N grins, "Thank you, love. I just fucking love this movie." She said before looking back at the huge screen.

Scarlett chuckles softly and just admires her wife.

If someone asked how they met, Scarlett would definitely not use the word "great start," because it was a disaster. But that just became the best disaster in her life, something that she's more than willing to remember forever. Because it's with her.

Her, someone that she loves.

Someone that she considers her greatest decision in life.

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