His Kryptonite(M)

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(Smut warning..sexual content ahead)

Yoongi was done for the day, its practice day for  their big 5-day concert, and he is already tired of doing the same routine over and over...He sometimes wonders why he is still with the group that makes him dance and do ageyo and do crazy game shows. While all he wanted was to produce music and be a rapper.
But he loved the members to death and it's impossible to leave now..
He left out a sigh

He knew the Maknes and hobi were going to do a live , so after taking a shower and changing into his comfy pajamas, he wrapped himself in his blankets and turned on his tablet hoping to catch whatever fun things his maknes had planned  for the fans.
He started munching on some chips while surfing through his tab.
That's when he heard his door being opened.
He stopped what he was doing and stared at the boy standing in his room, the one among the few people who are brave enough to enter his room without permission, in fact, one of the two other people who knows the code to his room.
'Hii' the boy greeted him.
'Heyy taehyung'
'What are you doing, hyung ' tae asked as he walked near to his bed.
'Oh, I'm just...' he couldn't complete the sentence before that Tae grabbed his hand  and put yoongi's index finger into his mouth. He licked the salt from the chips of his fingers and looked at Yoongi's eyes with an expression yoongi had seen before..desire and lust.
'Yum' Tae whispered.
'Tae...'yoongi began to talk
'Shh...' tae kept his long index finger on Yoongi's pink lips to shush him and took his chips and tablet away from him .
Then he proceeded to give a hard kiss on the elder's lips , and yoongi opened his mouth, giving him entrance on instinct, and Tae didn't hesitate to use the opportunity to explore it.

Yoongi left out a muffled  moan
'Tae....i..i thought we agreed not to do this again.'
He broke the kiss and pushed tae slightly with his hands and asked him his eyes hooked on Tae's beautiful lips.
'You don't want this?' Tae stared at him with big eyes.
'You know what i mean'
'Hyung...please just once more.. I can't stop thinking about your beautiful body'
Tae moved Yoongi's  hands from his chest and started kissing and sucking again on his neck and collar Bone
'Tae..don't ..ahh slowly..its gonna leave a mark'
'Tae grinned ..' i love to see you carry around my love marks '..his voice is now changed to a more raspy and dominant tone.

Yoongi gulped at the youngster's seductive deep voice, that was his kryptonite, the one thing the fact  speaking- fire spitting rapper cant resist.

He continued abusing Yoongi's neck, leaving purple marks...he then slowly started unbuttoning his pajama top to reveal his hyungs pale chest.
He smiled and gave a sexy glare to yoongi before proceeding to attack his upper body with his lips.
Though Yoongi's brain was telling  to push him away, his body was no where near ready to stop ..he enjoyed every bit of it..his hand wandered to Tae's head and started grabbing his lucious​ dark brown hair.

He felt himself being pushed down to his small bed and the younger's large hands going inside his pjamas and palming his hard on that was already straining inside his boxers, begging to be freed.
Baby..tae whispered in between and kissed his abs in between working his hands
Yoongi left a muffled groan as a response, trying hard not to alert others.
'You are so fucking sexy while you rap, do you know that.. I almost wanted to bend you over and fuck you right there on the dance floor today..'
Taes started pulling down Yoongi's pajamas along with his boxers. And he give small kisses on his elders inner thigh.
Yoongi couldn't speak ..he just gulped down and watched tae. He has always been like this while they were intimate..he talks dirty and it turned on Yoongi so much that he almost always forgot to speak

Tae hovered over Yoongi. One hand rested near his head while the other went back to his crotch, pumping him again.
'Yes...baby..on the dance floor while everyone watched..our members and staff watching while you cry out my name.., helpless, begging to cum..'
He fastened his pace.
'Shit...tae please stop..ill cum ..ahh '
Yoongi was already on the edge from all the words coming from the youngers mouth
Tae suddenly stopped and grabbed Yoongi's neck and stared at his eyes.
'Did I say you can cum..?'
Yoongi was silent. He just looked at Tae's face blinking.
'You don't cum until i ask you to..do you understand baby?'
Yoongi nodded.
'And what do we call me ? Hmm..Tell me..'
'Sir..' Yoongi whispered

Tae smirked and got up from his position to
take of his hoodie and shorts..he was hard, his boxers were alredy wet  from the precum leaking ,.
Yoongi got up and sat on the edge of his bed watching his lover undress.
Taehyung  lowered his boxer and threw it away and took his member in his hand and took it near Yoongi's mouth.
'Suck' he commanded.
Yoong's eyes went wide.. Seeing how hard the younger young was, Tae's hand was on yoongis forehead, moving the stray hair  that fell to his eyes.
And yoongi obeyed ..he slowly took Tae's  dick in his mouth and started bobbing his head.. He hollowed his cheeks and continued while tae grabbed yoongis long hair hard and started moving on his own.
He thrusted hard and it hit the back of Yoongi's throat and he heard a gagging sound
Tae grinned
'Is that too much for you!!'
He then  took out his member, watching yoongi wiping his mouth, he quickly pushed yoongi to the bed and turned him to his stomach and spanked his ass once and watched it go red.
"You are fucking beautiful babe.."he leaned and whispered in yoongis ears biting his lobe and lightly grabbing his neck.
He then spanked him a few more times. Yoongi groaned, experiencing the overwhelming feeling of pain and pleasure mixed together.
'Sir, please...'
'Please what baby'
'Its too much'
'Say what you want..and I'll do it'
Instead of talking, Yoongi opened his bedside drawer and took out lube and a condom.
'So eager!' tae smirked and
grabbed it from Yoongi's han and put on the condom and prepped him and yoongi.
He then slowly put a finger inside.
'Ahh fuck' yoongi sweared

After a while, he put another finger followed by the third.
Yoongi started breathing hard
"Like that ?!"
Yoongi nodded
"I need words baby"
'Yes what?'
'Yes Sir 'Yoongi whispered.
Tae bit his lips hearing that...'You drive me crazy my kitten'
He curled his fingers inside which made yoongi scream out the younger'n name

'Hush baby..the staff is in the building..' Tae warned as he took his fingers out.
Yoongi nodded and bit his lips hard in an attempt to shut himself up

He then lined up his length to yoongi's hole and thrusted without a warning.
'Ahh fuck..' the sudden pain made Yoongi squirm.
Tae waited till Yoongi got adjusted to the sensation.
He then nodded.
It was all Tae needed before he started thrusting hard ..groaning and swearing till they both came.
And tae collapsed on top of yoongi.
He stayed there for a while
Then he got up and cleaned himself and helped Yoongi clean up too, then he started to put on his clothes.
'You are leaving? 'Yoongi asked.
'Well ..if you want to sleep here you can' Yoongi said softly
'Why would i do that?! Your bed is quite small. It will be uncomfortable,' he said as he put back his hoodie.
Yoongi went pale hearing that. He just stood there frozen and embarrassed.
"See you at the practice hyung.."he said and left, collecting his sandals and phone.
As soon as tae was out of his sight he cursed  himself for asking tae to stay
First time writing smut..Don't know how it is if anyone reads please do leave comments
Right now No one is reading it , but i ll keep updating before i forget the story😄

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