Epilogue: Forever

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This is purely my imagination and i am not hurting anyone with this .I m not pointing fingers at anyone or any groups or any firms .This is just a writers freedom to procced the story the way i imagined and all the situations  and characters and people and groups i use here is purely fictional .

After 4 years
"Happy anniversary idiots " Jin back hugged tae and patted yoongi on back
"Thanks hyung " Taehyung smiled
"Ahh 4 years ..you fuckers who would have imagined" Jin shook his head in disbelief
Tae and yoongi looked at eachother fondly and he grabbed Yoongi's hand and kissed the fingers .

Other members and some staff also joined them in wishing.Within 4 years a lot of things changed, they all moved out of the dorm and started living on their own apartments .Yoongi and taehyung moved in together after yoongi asked Taehyung which came as a surprise to everyone ,seeing the elder taking the lead..they secretly purchased an apartment for themselves and has been living there together 95% of the time and the individual ones were just kept to fool the media and public and eventhough it was a struggle to keep it a secret being able to live together made them happy , they even have two dogs yeontan and holly who they pamper and spoil like kids. As time passed the staff and management came into peace with their relationship, even though it created a stir initially, and was criticised greatly but when the member's supported them strongly they had to finally agree and then they joined forces to keeping it from public fearing the negative reaction . A few slips happened though, people began to notice them walking together always and how they look physically close more than before.

Their parents were initially surprised at their children bringing home a man instead of a woman ,that too one of the band members..but with in talking to them for a few minutes they understood that there no use of meddling as both of them were madly in love. The other members also started started dating and continued keeping their private life secret from the public.Their bond remained the same, stronger than ever and they all kept producing the best works out there.

Taehyung's manager seperated him from others to a corner it was another big concert day and Taehyung had something planned .
"You are sure about it?"
"Yeah..." Tae nodded
"You know whats probably gonna happen right?!"
"Ok , we support you no matter what happenes after today , we will try our maximum to protect you and Yoongi"
Namjoon and hobi saw them and joined their conversation
"What happened " Namjoon asked
"Just going through the plans..and i cant imagine the PR disaster thats gonna happen , the entire media world is gonna have a party with this news" he laughed " we have asked for extra staff to deal with it as soon as the concert is over"
Tae sighed "I m sorry ..i feel guilty for putting you guys through this"
The manager kept a hand in his shoulder" You dont need to say that..its not you that's wrong its the society we live in..But its all good you guys have lead a secret life for so long it needs to be out in the open
"Yeah its time people change their views about idols and same sex relationships..you are paving the way friend" hobi patted Taehyung's back
"Yeah you are the real deal man " Namjoon looked at him proudly
"Hope we don't have to disband after this"
Tae said worried
"Heyy we are musicians, we will thrive ..even if we have to disband, lets go make a online channel if all this explodes tommorow.. some people will watch us..we ll live tae..we will.." Joon reassured

"Yoongi hyung is gonna be so surprised " Hobi grinned
"Hope he doesn't kill me" Tae laughed
" well!!  I thought you were the dom daddy bro..you are afraid of that kitten " Namjoon teased
Tae bit his lips smiling "You know that's just in the bedroom hyung..just there...Thats one vicious kitten i have ..he rules .." Taehyung looked at Toongi With a smile and all the love in the world, who was on his makeup chair and was visibly irritated as the staff tried putting glitter stickers on his face
"Ok too much information..." the manager blushed "i m gonna go ..er..work..."
Hobi and namjoon supressed a laugh seeing how embarrassed he was
The concert was getting over the last part was always their interaction with the audience every member said their part and Taehyung waited so that he could go last
Finally when his chance , everyone looked at him eagerly.  He took his mic with a smile on his face without his regular introductions he started
"Almost 4 years ago...when everything was different than it is now , i got drunk and  ended up in bed with a person"
The audeince started murmuring already
Yoongi was surprised and shocked at his words and looked at Tae with big eyes
"Yeah i know..not so in character for an idol..,but i did and what i thought was a one night stand suddenly began changing to somethhing else"
The members smiled , looking back and forth at Yoongi and Tae.Yoongis eyes were wide as saucers..he had no idea what Taehyung was planning
"And after going through hell lot of messy situations and jealousy and hurting eachother i realised that i m actually in love with that person, and that I can't possibly imagine a life without them"
Audience continued chattering and going silent as the speech progressed.

"I know you want your idol to stay single..be perfect and all that but, when you leave this venue ,you go to your partners your family and kids and idols like us, we..we go to our empty homes..i realised i m human and i too deserve to go home to someone, a special someone whom i can share my everything with with whom i can be myself without being judged, whom i can wake up at 3 to tell my alien invasion theory and still not get scolded , or who will patiently help me clean the kitchen after I almost burn it down trying to make an omelette " he laughed as tears flowed down
While a small group of audience clapped in support. The members were getting emotional hearing Tae, as they have witnessed everything taehyung was saying about .
"I m sorry if I disappointed you guys, or anyone out there, everything i have accomplished eveything we have accomplished was because you guys loved us and the work we did and I continue to hope that you will but it was a once in a life time kind of love..and I wasn't ready to let it go..for all the fame and money in the world...and i m so glad i didn't, we have been living together for the past 2 years and it has  been the most happy i have ever been " yoongi was sitting with his head down..biting hard on his lips
"And i want to continue doing that..but not in secret anymore..i want to hold his hand in public and go on dates with him without being afraid ..yes you heard tht right its a him..its a him.." Taehyung wiped his tears
"Wooohhhh " audience murmering got a lot more louder
Tae took a minute and then continued
"Yeah another expectation thrown to garbage right?!" he laughed
He took a deep breath.
"So today its been 4 years since i went on an outing with my friends and kept thinking about him and realised that i love him..we agreed to be eachothers support system and to madly and deeply love eachother...on that same day"
There were reactions from the audience both positive and negative as expected but he ignored the sounds
" And I don't know what will happen to our band after today but if this is the last time i m performing i would like to exploit this chance just in case..."he closed his eyes and wiped his tears
He looked at yoongi.
"Min Yoongi ...." the audience went crazy suddenly there were a mix of claps and cheers and several other sounds , hard to differentiate if was anger or support.
The cameras focused on yoongi who looked at Taehyung shocked .Tae walked to the elder and held his hands

"I know our story is no fairy tale , its messy and broken, but God bless the broken road that led me straight to you.I prepared a lot of bullshit today, but now seeing you in front of me all i can say is,i have never ever felt so happy in my life, i love our plain old boring routine life, our apartment, our morning breakfast time, our fur babies , our lazy off days..i just can't wait to get back to it.. i love you hyung more than anyone could imagine,you are my everything.."
He then went down on his knee while jimin ran to him to give something..
"Thanks Jimin ssi.."he smiled
Yoongi was trying so hard to not cry
"Min yoongi , the past 4 years was as beautiful as a dream and i would love to continue living that dream for the rest of my life too, we cannot get married i know that ..but, will you accept this ring will you be mine and only mine...and spend the rest of your life with me?" he said his voice cracking a bit
The members clapped happily, most of them in tears.The staff members were cheering for them from behind the curtains .While the audience were shocked and talking stuff none of them can hear ,there were a ton of cameras focousing on them and flasing lights . All the hells were breaking loose but they didn't care about any of that
" Yoongi stared at Tae with glassy eyes , Jin and Jungkook slightly pushed yoongi as a sign to answer
Yoongi just nodded , crying
And Tae started sobbing between his boxy smiles
He wiped his tears and put the ring on yoongis finger and kissed his hand.
Yoongi looked at the ring, his eyes watering and pulled Taehyung into a tight hug.Tae grabbed the back of yoongis head and touched their foreheads and whispered" i love you Baby"
"Love you bear , " yoongi whispered back with a nickname he very rarely used
The members watched them with all the love in the world and soon joined for a group hug
They parted away after a few minutes and both joined others to continue their goodbyes.They looked at the packed stadium, they knew their world was changing, they knew they were in the headline of every news in the world right now ,none of them knew what lies ahead of them on the road..but they held eachothers hands tightly..Namjoon looked at Taehyung and gave a smile of reassurance..They know whatever happenes they are going to face it together as a team, and they will always be a team.

—Real end——
I couldn't wait to publish this.I personally loved writing this epilogue a lot.
The details of the next Taegi book i m writing is published as a new chapter
Love you all😘😘

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